
Showing posts from August, 2021

Attributive and Predicative Adjective

  Attributive  Adjective : Adjective that comes before noun is called Attributive  Adjective.  Examples: 1. It is a pretty rose.  2. It is a large tree.  3. We saw dangerous animals in the zoo.  4. Heavy rain is expected in the inland.  5. Some hot soup.   Predicative Adjective: Adjective that comes after noun is called  Predicative  Adjective.  Examples: 1. The rose is pretty . 2. The tree is large . 3. These animals are dangerous . 4. Rain expected in this inland is heavy . 5. the soup is hot . For example: 1) The forest was dark and dense. Ans. dark, dense - Predicative adjective. 2)  She is a beautiful girl. Ans.   beautiful  - Attributive adjective. 3)  It is a big tree. Ans.   big  - Attributive adjective. 4)  This boy is talkative. Ans.  talkative  - Predicative adjective. 5)  These are sweet mangoes. Ans.  sweet  - Attributive adjective. 6)  Rahul is hungry. Ans.  hungry  - Predicative adjective. 7)  This is a poisonous snake. Ans.  poisonous  - Attributive adjective.

Rhyming words

  Words                   Rhyming words  way                     pay him limb die                                         I                                                      mood                                   good                                       

Frame wh-question

For example: 1) Toys are made up of plastic. Ans. What are toys made up of?  2) Players have reached the stadium. Ans.  Where have players reached? 3) The pot was made up of mud. ( What )) Ans.  What was pot made up of? 4)  The third kind of passengers were forced to come down thousands of kilometres for quality medical care. ( Why ) Ans.  Why were t he third kind of passengers forced to come down thousands of kilometres ?

Rewrite using

  For example: 1) She had been so excited that she had not remembered that her brother was very ill. ( Rewrite using 'too ..... to....') Ans. She had been too excited to remember that her brother was very ill. 2)  He gave money to the boy suffering from illness. ( Rewrite using 'who') Ans.   H e gave money to the boy who was suffering from illness. 3)  His time was limited. ( Rewrite using 'not') Ans.   His time was not unlimited. 4)  He got hurt but he was prepared to run for race. ( Rewrite beginning 'Though .........') Ans.   Though h e got hurt, he was prepared to run for race. 5)  I choose the cheapest dish on the menu and that was chicken soup. ( Rewrite using 'which') Ans.   I choose the cheapest dish on the menu, which was chicken soup. 6)  He was tired, he started to run. ( Rewrite beginning 'Though .........') Ans.   Though  he  was tired, he started to run. 7)  Ramesh need more money. ( Rewrite beginning with ' Ramesh

write as rhetorical questions

A rhetorical questions is a question someone asks without expecting an answer. A direct answer is not expected. This person doesn't want an answer to the question.  For example: 1) Academic brilliance is no different from the brilliance of a mirror. Ans. Is a cademic brilliance any different from the brilliance of a mirror? 2)  She had been saving every penny she could for months. Ans.  Hadn't s he been saving every penny she could for months?

Adverb form

              Words                           Adverb form                     humble              humbly         angry       angrily        

Transitive verb and Intransitive verb

    What is  TRANSITIVE  VERBS? Ans. The action passes over  from subject to object.    Transitive verb are used with a direct object. They are action verbs that have an object to receive that action.  For example.  The cat killed the mouse. ' mouse' is the object of the (verb- killed). How to find the object? We can ask the question 'What' or 'Whom' to the verb. In above example: killed whom? the mouse. What is IN TRANSITIVE  VERBS? Ans.   T he action does not pass over  from subject to object.   Intransitive verb are action verbs but they do not have an object receiving the action. They are used without direct object.  Change the voice is possible in case of sentences  with transitive verbs. The voice of a verb tells whether the subject of the sentence performs or receives the action . Transitive verb Intransitive verb The students speak French. They speak well. We study grammar. We study hard.

Adjective form

  Words Adjective form anger     angry                                 destruct destructive       Example  exemplar       Fool     foolish Favour Favourite                                  humbly humble        interact interactive       Miracle miraculous Music      musical                                         organize                organizational       Religion                               religious        Simple  Simple       Talk talkative       Work                        workable      


   accountable un accountable   Advance Retreat                             civilized  un civilized   clean un clean clear unclear duplicate original defeat victory                                         Exit Enter  Everything     nothing  exclude include Familiar        Unfamiliar  Failure           Success                                     human inhuman                          infect dis infect Order Request oldest newest Probable improbable professional unprofessional responsible  irresponsible  Slowly Quickly violence  non- violence   worst best weakened reinforced                                   wealthy poor