Transitive verb and Intransitive verb


Ans. The action passes over 
from subject to object.  Transitive verb are used with a direct object. They are action verbs that have an object to receive that action. 
For example. 

The cat killed the mouse.
' mouse' is the object of the (verb- killed).

How to find the object?
We can ask the question 'What' or 'Whom' to the verb.

In above example: killed whom? the mouse.

Ans. T
he action does not pass over from subject to object. Intransitive verb are action verbs but they do not have an object receiving the action. They are used without direct object. 

Change the voice is possible in case of sentences with transitive verbs.

The voice of a verb tells whether the subject of the sentence performs or receives the action.

Transitive verb

Intransitive verb

The students speak French.

They speak well.

We study grammar.

We study hard.

I stopped the car.

The car stopped.

I bake some cookies.

I bake.

I move the chair.

I move.

Underline the verb and state whether it is Transitive or Intransitive verb:

1) The boy plays very slowly.
Ans. plays - Intransitive verb

2) She painted the door.
Ans. painted - Transitive verb

3) He sang a song.
Ans. sang - Transitive verb

4) The bird flies.
Ans. flies - Intransitive verb

5) Maya wrote a letter.
Ans. wrote - Transitive verb

6) The Angels vanished.
Ans. vanished - Intransitive verb

7) Varun copied the paper.
Ans. copied - Transitive verb

8) Varun likes cricket.
Ans. likes - Transitive verb

9) The sun shines brightly.
Ans. shines - Intransitive verb

10) The flowers come to life only for a day.
Ans. comes - Intransitive verb

11) The boy eats very slowly.
Ans. eats - Intransitive verb

12) The boys played.
Ans. played - Intransitive verb

13) The flowers come to life only for a day.
Ans. comes - Intransitive verb

14) He saw rainbow.
Ans. saw - Transitive verb

15) Nitin wrote a letter.
Ans. wrote - Transitive verb

16) The girls sang beautifully.
Ans. sang - Intransitive verb

17) He saw a lion.
Ans. saw - Transitive verb


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