Informal letter.

 Informal letters include letters to friends, relatives, acquaintances, etc.

Types of Informal letter: 

1. Letter to parents. 
2. Letter to siblings.

3. Informal Letter to friend. 

4. Letter to classmates. 

5. Letter to neighbors. 

The following points need to be followed while writing an Informal letter

a) An
 Informal Letter does not strictly follow the prescribed Format. 

b) The language of an
 Informal Letter must be friendly and casual. 

c) An
 Informal Letter can have extra information. 

d) The Subject line is not required in an
 Informal Letter.

Marks for letter:

1) Sender's address and date - half marks

2) Salutation - half marks

3) Body of letter - two and half marks

4) Closing of letter - half marks

5) Correct use of Grammar in the letter - one mark

For Informal letters - Examples.

Family members and close relatives 

Dear Daddy, Dear Mummy, Dear sister Minal, Dear brother Sanjay, Dear Sanjay, Dear Minal

Close friends 

Dear Anil, My dear Anil, My dearest Anil


Dear Mr. Mehta, Dear Mr. Dixit

Content : Three paragraphs should be there.

1st paragraph


2nd paragraph

the body or details

3rd paragraph


The Subscription :  This part of the letter is also important as it requires you to be  courteous and, once again, depends on your relationship with the person you are writing to.

Look at the following table to understand this :  

Family members and relatives

Your affectionate son/ daughter/ niece/  nephew/ brother/ sister etc. Yours affectionately , 

Your loving son/daughter/ niece/ nephew/ brother/ sister etc.  Yours lovingly, Yours truly. 

Close friends

Yours sincerely ,  Yours lovingly  , Your loving friend,  


Yours faithfully ,  Yours sincerely,


Informal Letters : 
1st paragraph - Introduction.

For Example:

a) It is with a heavy heart that I pen these few lines to condole _______ 

b) Your father's untimely demise has profoundly shocked me _______

c) I was quite concerned to hear that you find it very difficult to _______ 

d) It was shocking to hear that a brave, intelligent girl like you is unable 
to __________

e) It's indeed been long since you wrote to me. I am so excited that I feel I must share with you a piece of good news.

f) Can you guess what it is ? Yes, this Annual Day was great for me as,  

2nd paragraph
Details. Do not deviate from the topic. 

3rd paragraph - Conclusion.

For Example:

Do give my regards to Aunt and Uncle and love to all at home

Looking forward to hear - from you soon.

I am really excited and looking forward to your visit. 
 Do write back soon. 

I'll end here now with lots of love to you.
 My best wishes are always with you. 

Do let me know if I can be of any further help. 

Sample Of Informal letter

Example No.1

Ganesh Society,
M.N. Road,
Mumbai – 72.
Date – 1
st June 2021.

Dear Rahul, 

Hope you are safe and well protected from the outbreak of virus. It’s been a long time 
since I wrote to you. So I decided to write to you and know how you have been doing. Mummy and Daddy are fine here. 

We all stay indoors most of the time as India has growing numbers of active cases of 
COVID-19. I have started making new dishes by seeing You-Tube. I have started to read books. This is the best way to utilize time.

How do you manage to complete your exams in pandemic? I will come, once this Pandemic is over. I am really excited and looking forward to your visit.  Do write back soon

Your loving


Example No.2. Write a letter to your friend who spend more amount of time on social media, and advice him not to do so.

M.N. Road,
Mumbai – 52.
Date – 1
st June 2021. 

Dear Sunil,

Hope you are safe and well protected from the outbreak of virus. I r
eceived your letter yesterday. You started to go in Gym that's good, but you have scored less marks in exam. I know this reason, that you are spending more time on social media like Instagram anchatting.

You ar
e always online on these sites. You can share your lifestyle with others but don't spend more time on it. It is harmful. Make a timetable for your studies as well as for your social platform. Don't open it at any other time. These sites are highly additive and it will spoil you. Being your friend, I am worried about you.

I think that you will think wis
ely. I am really excited and looking forward to your visit.

Your loving friend,

Example No.3. Write a letter to your friend who travels to office by car or bike daily, advice him to choose public transport.


Lucky Society,
T.L. Road,
Mumbai – 102.
Date – 1
st June 2021. 

Dear Karan, 

I hope you find this letter in the pink of your health. How are your parents? You got  a new job in Delhi. I heard it from my friends. Congratulation to you. 

I have also heard that the new car that you have taken is in garage. It needs repair work again and again. This is really a  headache. I can understand that lot of money is being spend on it. You travel daily by car to office. It takes lot of time to reach office. Lot of traffic is there. Reaching to your workplace daily is a huge task. But my friend, I want to tell you that it is a high time we need to think of ways to tackle this situation. We have to take other option like public transport, cycling and it will be cost effective. If everybody thinks of it, then there will be less traffic. 

I think that you will think again. Waiting for your reply. 

Your loving friend,

Example No.4. Write a letter to your friend describing your experience in the overcrowded bus.


Sea-view Society,
T.T. Road,
Mumbai – 400 102.
Date – 1
st June 2021. 

Dear Paras, 

I hope you find this letter in the pink of your health. How are your parents? Today I want to share with you my experience of travelling in overcrowded bus.

Yesterday I got up early in morning as usual to go to school. After doing my breakfast, I went to the bus stop to get to school in time. As bus was late for 10 minutes, there was a crowd near bus stop. When the bus arrived, it was too crowded. As I was getting late for school, I caught the bus. A man who was in front of me started pushing me back as the bus was overcrowded. I somehow managed to catch the side rod as one of my foot was on footboard and other leg was in air. After two stop, somebody suddenly pushed backwards as a result I loose my balance and I fell down. I badly twisted my ankle. I then somehow went straight to home. My parents took me to doctor. Doctor told me that I had sprained my ankle. He advised me to take one week rest. 

This is what it happened to me when I didn't wait patiently for another bus. 

Your loving friend,

Example No.5. Write a letter to your friend telling him about the importance of Yoga and  advising him to join with you.


Varun Society,
M.M.. Road,
Mumbai – 400 066.
Date – 1
st June 2021. 

Dear Minal, 

I hope you find this letter in the pink of your health. I am fine here. I am writing this letter to advise you about the importance of Yoga.

I have joined Yoga classes in the month of April. Today I am feeling fresh, energetic and always positive thoughts in mind. Earlier I was feeling too much drowsiness but now I am changed.  I can concentrate more on studies now. I am living stress free life now. Yoga exercises bring  body, mind, consciousness and soul into  balance. Due to Yoga, there is increase in  one’s overall  performance. When we do yoga, like meditation we get connected to God. Many small diseases and big diseases will not be there if we do Yoga (Pranayama) everyday. Even spectacles are also removed if we do pranayama everyday. You will remain healthy and fit throughout your life if you do Yoga everyday. 

If you come with me I will have company with you. My Yoga class is near Andheri station ( Babul society). Now discount is there on fees. Hope you will join these classes and avail the benefits. Waiting for you.

Your loving friend,

Example No.6. Write a letter to your friend appealing to him to donate blood. Tell him the importance of Blood donation.


Nutan Society,
A- 22,
C.S.. Road,
Mumbai – 400 004.
Date – 1
st June 2021. 

Dear Harsh, 

I hope you find this letter in the pink of your health. How are your parents? I am fine here. I am writing a letter to you after such a long time, I was a little busy with my work.

There is a 'Blood Donation Camp' at Bandra(W) on 10th June 2021 from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. I have enrolled my name  for this camp. Along with me five of my friends from building have also enrolled their names. As you know there is an increase in the number of accident cases where victims requires blood. We all have to come together to help these needy people. That person's life will be saved. It will bring a smile too their faces.

I am really excited and looking forward to your visit. It will be highly appreciated if you come with your other friends. Please do come.

Your loving friend,

Example No.7. Write a letter to your friend describing the plight in your city due to water shortage and the action to be taken.


Sweet Society,
A- 5201,
R.M.. Road,
Mumbai – 400 065.
Date – 1
st June 2021. 

Dear Swati, 

How are you? How are your parents? I hope you find this letter in the pink of your health. How is your online classes going on? When lockdown is over here, then I would definitely come to visit you there in Bhopal.  

I am writing this letter to describe you about the problem in our city due to water shortage. The water comes only for few minutes early in the morning and we have to do all the work in that time. We have complained many times to local authorities, but the problem is same every year. Every society secretary also check whether any one is wasting water or not. We have also started rain water harvesting in our society. We are trying many ways to save water. The government must take steps regarding this.

Your father works as Environmental specialist. Please ask him by what ways our problem can be solved. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Do give my regards to Aunt and Uncle and love to all at home.  

Your loving friend,

Example No.8. Write a letter to your friend who has just been to Ooty and ask for details of the visit.

Mane Society,
B- 6001,
D.M. Road,
Mumbai – 400 188.
Date – 1
st August 2021. 

Dear Tarun, 

How are you? How are your parents? How was your trip to Ooty? I think you have enjoyed too much, 

I, my parents along with my cousins are planning to go to Ooty in the month of October. Its a best time to visit there. We are going there for the first time. Can you give me some tips about that hill station? Which are the places you have visited? What are the charges for the hotels? Have you been to  Nilgiri Mountain Railway, Ooty Lake or waterfalls? Are there buses or taxis available at cheap rates? What the best foods available there? 

Please send the details as well as the photos where you have visited. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Do give my regards to Aunt and Uncle and love to all at home.  

Your loving friend,

Example No.9. Write a letter to your friend expressing your feelings about how people fail to provide necessary help to an accident victim.

Nutan Society,
H- 801,
L.H. Road,
Mumbai – 400 066.
Date – 1
st August 2021. 

Dear Shyam, 

How are you? How are your parents? How is your studies going on? We are fine here. I am waiting for you to come here. All our friends are also eager to meet you.

The reason for writing this letter is that when I and Anil were walking on S.V.Road, we saw an accident. A little boy who was cycling was dashed by a bus. The little boy was thrown down about 20 feet away. Luckily the boy survived as the bus was not in high speed. He got hurt on left hand and his leg got fractured. He was bleeding as well. The bus sped off without even stopping.

There were many people who stood around that boy, but no one came forward to help him. Instead some were taking video recording from mobile. Some college students along with us came forward to help that boy. We took him to hospital and also immediately informed police. Why don't people come forward to help during such times? I felt very bad. I wish people should show some humanity and caring towards these victims. 

Bye for now. Do give my regards to Aunt and Uncle.

Your loving friend,

Example No.10. Write a letter to your uncle who has been hospitalized due to unbearable heat..

Magnum Society,
F- 501,
C.D. Road,
Mumbai – 400 011
Date – 21
st June 2021. 

Dear Uncle, 

Yesterday aunt's letter came regarding that you were admitted to hospital for one week regarding sunstroke. How are you now? All over India temperature have increased suddenly this year. The reason behind this is global warming as trees are cut for development. 

Aunty told us that doctor have prescribed some medicines. Please follow doctor's advice. Please eat lot of fruits, drink a lot of water, don't do exercise or go outside in afternoon. Please do not go to office for one week till you are fully energetic.

We all are there with you and you are very dear to all of us. We are coming there to meet you. Until then, take care.

Your loving nephew,

Example No.11. Write a letter to your friend telling him that your uncle's home was robbed.

Royal Apartments.
D- 2001,
A.T. Road,
Mumbai – 400 103
Date – 1
st June 2021. 

Dear Kapil, 

How are you? How are your parents? The reason for writing this letter is that my uncle's house was robbed who stays in nearby area. He went for picnic with his family and when he returned, he find that his house had been robbed. Aunt's jewellery worth Five lakhs Rupees had been robbed, as well as Two lakhs Rupees were taken away. 

Uncle made the necessary police complaint. Police told that this is tenth complaint coming from this locality. These thieves must be watching which house is closed for a long time and might be coming at dead of night. It seems that these are experienced and organized gang at work. 

Police have started patrolling during night times. People from that area have started to watch during night times. Even children are not sleeping and started to keep an eye on robbers.

If my uncle give me any information, I will let you know. Do give my regards to all at home. Bye for now.

Your loving friend,

Example No.12. Write a letter of condolence to your friend as his mother passed away.

Deepak Apartments.
D- 8805,
L.L. Road,
Mumbai – 400 056
Date – 1
st August 2021. 

Dear Kapil, 

How are you? It is with a heavy heart that I pen these few lines to condole. It came as a great shock to all of us that your mother is no more. We could not believe that. Please accept our deepest condolence.

Last week only she called me and inquired about my studies. She told me about her appointment with doctor. She was very good in talking and always helpful. It is very bad news for me. For you it must be really terrible. The house must be feeling empty.  I am praying to God to give you courage to bear this loss. Please try to control yourself and give courage to your brother. 

May your mother's soul rest in peace. This weekend I am coming to meet you. 

Your loving friend,

Example No.13. Write a letter to your friend who is very depressed as he failed in exam. Encourage him to study hard for success. 

Angel Apartments.
A- 225,
M.M. Road,
Mumbai – 400 104
Date – 25
th July 2021. 

Dear Ganesh, 

How are you? Your mother gave me call yesterday and told that you failed in Final exam badly. She also told that you are giving up your studies. I was shocked when I heard that news. What happened to you? You was such a scholar boy and many of our friends use to come to you to clear our doubts in studies. 

What is the reason for your failure? Ask this question yourself. I think that you might have got into bad company or you have not studied properly. Find out the reason and don't get depressed. Go back to your old way of studying and start giving oral to your class teacher. You are a clever boy. You can do it. Keep yourself away from bad habits if you have acquired. You will again be topper in your class. Don't look at past, look forward to the future. 

Do let me know if I can be of any further help. We all of your old friends are there with you. Give my regards to Aunt and Uncle and love to all at home. 

Your loving friend,

Example No.14. Write a letter to your mother telling why you cannot attend your cousin's wedding.

Minal Apartments.
A- 7025,
D.M. Road,
Mumbai – 400 004
Date – 25
th December 2021. 

Dear Mummy, 

How are you? I am fine here. My cousin brother Anand's wedding is there next month. I am very much excited to go for  wedding but I won't be able to go there. Next month my prelims exam is there and I have to study and prepare for my examinations. 

Schools have also started to conduct extra class for doubt clearing. Board moderators will also give guidelines for paper presentation and also for preparing for examination. They will also guide us as to how to study. I can't afford to miss it. 

Give my deep regrets to Anand. I am very much disappointed. Please tell him the reason for not coming to wedding. I will write him a letter also along with greeting card. I will visit him as soon as my examinations is complete. I'll end here now with lots of love to you and Daddy. 

Your loving son,

Example No.15. Write a letter to your cousin brother who is confused to take career.

Karan Apartments.
A- 1055,
L.M. Road,
Mumbai – 400 056
Date – 25
th December 2021. 

Dear Mummy, 

How are you? I am fine here. Yesterday aunty called and told that you are confused for deciding your career. I can understand that it is a difficult task to choose a career. But you have to choose cleverly because your future depend on it. 

According to me you can take science stream. You are good in science and mathematics. You are very much interested in chemistry.  You are always interested in finding chemical reaction between two different chemical. You was always ready to help your classmates in science subject. You can put hundred percentage effort in science stream. My parents also told me that you should go in science stream. 

You can surf professional websites and can get some good ideas. Please tell me which option you are taking. Do write soon.  

Your loving son,

Example No.16. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to accompany you to hill station. 

Jeevan Apartments.
A- 6005,
S.V. Road,
Mumbai – 400 078
Date – 13
th July 2021. 

Dear Rahul, 

How are you? I am fine here. I and my parents along with cousin are going to Mahabaleshwar for five days during Diwali vacation. We will be going by train. I want you to join us. 

Last  year your parents told my mummy that we can take you if we are going outstation. If you come with us, we will enjoy too much. We will enjoy all the beautiful sites there. We will click photos. 

Please ask your mother and confirm it. We are planning to leave on 5th November. If you are coming we will book your train ticket also. I will be very much happy if you come. We shall really enjoy ourselves.

Your loving son,

Example No.17. Write a letter to your friend telling him about the fire occurred in your neighbourhood.

Neelam  Apartments.
D- 7,
Devdas. Road,
Mumbai – 400 067
Date – 21
st October 2021. 

Dear Mahesh, 

How are you? How are your parents? The reason for writing this letter is that there was fire in the building just three building away from our building. It occurred early in the morning at 7.00 a.m. I just woke and my mother told us to switch off the main switch. 

Soon I realised that fire had broken out in our area. Thick smoke was there all our the area. A huge crowd had gathered near that building at safe distance. Many of people that came out from that building were crying. Fire brigade came in and rescue operation were going on. Many people were rescued. Even people from other building went and started to rescue people.   

It took more than five hours to douse the flames completely. Police also came to find out the exact cause of fire.

This is an incident that I will not forget.

Your loving friend,


Example No.18. Write a letter to your friend who inspires you, seeking his or her advice. Give details of your problems. [ your friend is in bad company ].

Suraj  Apartments.
F - 335,
S.V.. Road,
Mumbai – 400 103
Date – 21
st November 2021. 

Dear Karan, 

How are you? How are your parents? The reason for writing this letter is I am facing a problem. I cannot discuss with my elder brother and parents. You are my best friend and I want advice from you. In our building my friend Anil introduced me with his gang of friends who are living in our locality. They are no good, they smoke and even drink wine also.

Even Anil has started smoking. He even started to beat other boys along with his friends. He asks me for money for his cigarettes. If I deny him he threatens me. He tells me that he will tell my parents that I also smoke. But I don't smokes. I don't like his friends at all. I don't talk to his friends at all. Should I tell my parents? Should I tell his parents? Actually he is scholar student and I want him to stop smoking. What should I do?   

Please tell me. I am waiting for your answer.

Your loving friend,

Example No.19. Write a letter to your grandparents expressing your appreciation. On occasion of Grandparents day on Sunday, second week of September. 

Orange Heights.
A - 1705,
S.V.. Road,
Mumbai – 400 056
Date – 1
st September 2021. 

Dear Grandpa and Grandma, 

How are you? Hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. This month on 12th September ( Sunday, second week of  September) on occasion of  Grandparents day there is a grand opening of Nana-Nani park in our colony.

I want both of you should come here. You both were my first teachers. I learnt good discipline and my early lesson in spirituality from you. You use to tell us bed-time stories with moral inspirations. I will take you for the opening ceremony of park. There we will participate in all activities. We will enjoy together. I will introduce you to all my friends.    

I pray to God for your good health and happiness everyday. I am waiting for both of you. Please come.

Your loving Grandson,

Example No.20. Write a letter to your friend describing about the celebration of Annual day in your school.

Sun rise Heights.
A - 1005,
S.V. Road,
Mumbai – 400 012
Date – 11
th January 2021. 

Dear Dinesh, 

How are you? I am fine here. The reason for writing this letter is that I won first prize in Break dance. We had our School Annual celebration yesterday. It was very exciting and I enjoyed very much.

I did practice for last one month. There were many rehearsals. Our dance teacher was a perfectionist. He use to teach us till 10.00 p.m. Because of him I got first prize. The function went off in sequence. Mr. Ashish, Major in army was our Chief Guest. He gave a wonderful speech and gave away prizes to winners. Our principal announced two day holiday. We all greeted with loud cheers. So we have two days to relax. 

My parents are very happy by my performance. Here I am ending my letter. Do write to me soon.

Your loving friend,

Example No.21. Write a letter to your friend who complains that he does not know how to manage time.

Ganesh Society.
A - 22,
S.V. Road,
Mumbai – 400 067
Date – 12
th December 2021. 

Dear Manoj, 

How are you? I am fine here. I got your letter yesterday and I came to know that you are finding difficult to manage your time. I am confused that how a scholar boy like you is having difficulty in managing time. 

From your letter it seems that you are busy with your singing and dancing classes. You even have started your games channel in You Tube. It seems to me that you are too much busy in that.  I suggest that you should give up these activities as they are not connected to your studies. Always studies should be given top priority. For effective time management the first step[ is to know what your priorities are.

I hope my letter will help you. Do write about the changes you have made in your schedule. 

Your loving friend,

Example No.22. Write a letter from a father to a rude son.

Dimple Society.
A - 2007,
S.V. Road,
Mumbai – 400 103
Date – 15
th December 2021. 

Dear Krish, 

How are you? I am fine here. I am sad to hear your bad behaviour from your mother. I am here at Dubai to work and you are troubling your mother. Your mother is upset. 

You are going to such a big school where discipline is taught. You should behave politely to everyone. You should change yourself into noble human being. Good mannered people is liked by everyone. Speaking a kind word or helping everyone generally enhances your value. You will give a good impression on everyone. Even teacher will appreciate you.  

Please try to change yourself. If people say good things about you, we as a parent will be very happy. All my love is for you.

Your loving Father.

Example No.23. Write a letter to your father informing him about your plans after passing the SSC examinations.

Divine Society.
A - 1927,
Pune – 411 038
Date – 16
th November

Dear Daddy, 

How are you? I am fine here. I had a long talk with my teacher about my future. As I am studying hard for my SSC examination. I am confident of getting good percentage. 

I want to be a surgeon. I have interest in Biology. It would generally take two years for completing Class 12th, five and a half year for completing MBBS degree course along with one year of internship and two years for completing MD/MS degree course. My teacher will help me for good classes. 

I am sure you will like my plans. I am well prepared for my examination. When you come here we will discuss this matter in detail. With love to you.

Your loving Son,

Example No.24. Write a letter to your father describing how you and your friends celebrated Diwali in an innovative way.

Sunrise Society.
A - 2007,
Mumbai – 400 086
Date – 12
th November

Dear Daddy, 

How are you? I am fine here. This year we celebrated Diwali with a difference. I and my friends from our locality have made plans much in advance. It was a clean and eco friendly Diwali. We even helped our mother in making sweets .

I told my parents that this year we want eco-friendly cracker. So my parents brought me green cracker. It don't contain aluminium, barium, potassium nitrate, etc. It was our aim not to add noise and air pollution. We even distributed these crackers to nearby slums. We made small packets of sweets and distributed it to all small children. We even made beautiful rangolis outside their homes. People living in the slums were very happy.   

It was a very innovative way of celebrating Diwali. I am sure you had a wonderful Diwali too. Give my regards to all at home.

Your loving friend,

Example No.25. Write a letter to your cousin who has won first prize for National Essay competition for school. 

Minal Society.
C- 1007,
Mumbai – 400 080
Date – 25
th December

Dear Arun, 

How are you? I am fine here. I am very much happy to hear that you have won first prize for National Essay competition. Three cheers for you! I am proud of you.

My mother told me how much hard work you use to do You use to take the help of internet and various essay book for getting first rank. My parents are always praising you. My mother even tell to everybody in our colony about your achievement. Daddy is planning to buy you a big and nice present. 

I am coming in month of April to meet you and congratulate you personally. We will arrange a big party for you. I am very lucky to have a scholar cousin like you. I am ending this letter here. Give my regards to all at home. One more time Congratulation to you.

Your loving cousin,

Example No.26. Write a letter to your friend describing the 'Sports Day' in your school.

Diamond Society.
A- 2222,
Mumbai – 421 301
Date – 27
th December

Dear Kapil, 

How are you? I am fine here. I am writing this letter after such a long time because I was busy preparing for our School Sports day. I took part in Kabaddi and our team came up to the finals. It was held on 22nd December. And can you believe it, we won the finals.

We practised it form morning till evening last whole week. We meet at 7.00 a.m. in morning on that day. Early in morning it started with march past and National anthem. After that many events passed. We did exercise during that time and got ready to go. Our team played with great spirit and enthusiasm. Our team was specialize in back kick, hand touch, lion jump and toe touch.  

What a victory it was. We won the medal. It was a very great experience. You should have been with us. Now I am ending this letter here. Give my regards to all at home.  

Your loving friend,

Example No.27. Write a letter to your father asking his permission to go for this trip.

Jeevan Society.
A- 1105,
Pune – 411 038
Date – 27
th December

Dear Daddy, 

How are you? I am fine here. Our school is going to Shimla trip from 11th January 2022 to 18th January 2022. Already 45 students from our class have registered for the trip. There will be 10 teachers along with us. 

There will be arrangement of stay in five star hotel. The amount for the trip is Rupees 5000/- per student. We will go and come by train. I want to visit all these beautiful places. Please give me permission to go. Teacher told that you can pay online. 

Please let me know if I can go for trip. Thanking you in advance. 

Your loving son,

Example No.28. Write a letter to your friend who have purchased a new bike. Warn him about reckless driving.

Sea Breeze Society.
A- 705,
Mumbai – 400 050
Date – 17
th December

Dear John, 

How are you? I am fine here. I am very happy that you have purchased a new bike, Congratulations to you. Have you taken a license for it?  

Do you know how to drive in crowded place? I know that you don't know to drive, so please don't drive in crowded place or on highway. Practice it in afternoon till you can drive properly. Don't drive with your friends. If you go with friends you will do reckless driving because of excitement. Then there is a chance of accident with fractured leg. Think of parents.  

Please think. You have a beautiful life ahead. Don't get carried away. I only want you to be safe. Give my regards to your parents.

Your loving friend,

Example No.29. Write a letter to your father explaining the reason for the poor performance.

Gee-Bee Society.
F - 105,
Mumbai – 400 050
Date – 7
th February 2022.

Dear Daddy,

How are you? I am fine here. I am very much disappointed to tell you that I have failed in Mathematics and Science. Remaining all the subjects I got only 38%. My performance in Preliminary Exam was very poor.

Due to this pandemic year I was not able to study properly. I have attended all my online lectures of school as well as of classes. I was overconfident that I will revise at last hour. When I saw my result, I realised how careless I had been. Teachers of my school scolded me and told me to read well. Now they have also started to take extra classes.  

Now I have started to revise all subjects. Even I started to give oral to my class teacher. I have started to practice one lesson of Mathematics every day. I am now sitting till 2.00 a.m. to study. I have made my time-table for studies. I assure you that I shall come out with flying colours. Please forgive me. 

Your loving son,

Example No.30. Write a letter to your uncle telling him that you applied for sponsorship organization. 

Varun Society.
A - 2205,
Andheri ,
Mumbai – 400 069
Date – 17
th July2021

Dear Uncle,

How are you? I am fine here. I am very much happy that I got 95% in Std.X Board exam. I am taking Science Stream and got admission in reputed college. But due to limited finance my father is telling not to take science stream. I want to become doctor. 

I have told my father that I will manage myself. For that I have applied for sponsorship from an organization called D.B.C. I have told my friend's uncle who is working in big multinational company for finding sponsorship. He told that he will help me. 

Even I have asked my school principal to help me for finding sponsorship. I am positive that things will work for me. Give my regards to aunty. 

Your loving nephew,


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