What is a Noun? 

A Noun denotes the names of persons, creatures, places and things. There are five types of Nouns: Common Nouns, Proper Nouns, Collective Nouns, Material Nouns, Abstract Nouns.

Let us understand these nouns in detail.

A) Proper Nouns : A Proper Noun is a name given to some particular person or place and always begin with a capital letter. 

E.g. Anil, Tejas, Delhi, Sun, etc.

B) Common Nouns : A Common Noun is a name given to things which are common or similar in appearance and generally does not begin with capital letters.

E.g. School, book, girl, man, boy, tree, etc.

 C) Collective NounsA Collective Noun is the name given to a collection or groups of persons or things taken together.

E.g. Committee, family, group,  a herd , a swarm , a bouquet .

 D) Material NounsA Material Noun is a name given to materials , raw elements or objects exist in the nature and cannot be created by human being. 

E.g. Gold, Silver, Steel, Copper Gold, Silver, Steel and Copper . 

E) Abstract NounsAn Abstract Noun is a name given to a quality (honesty, bravery), action (laughter, hatred) or state (childhood, sleep). Generally, an Abstract Noun cannot be touched with hands, you can't see it, smell it, taste it or hear it  but it can be felt or observed.

E.g. Kindness, honesty, wisdom, anger, freedom, love, generosity, charity and democracy.

Identify the Nouns in the following sentences and state their types:

Common, Proper, Collective, Material, Abstract

1.  Anthony and Praveen always speak the truth.

    Ans. Truth - Abstract Noun                                                                                                

2. Our team won the match.

    Ans. Our team - Collective Noun  

3. Prashant stood first in class.

    Ans. Prashant - Proper Noun

4. Diamond is very expensive.

    Ans. Diamond - Material Noun



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