Anti - Climax and its examples.

Anti - Climax is a rhetorical device that can be defined as a disappointing situation, or a sudden transition in discourse from an important idea to a trivial one. Here words are arranged in descending order of importance. Anti - Climax are there to create a better impact and a better poetic effect.

For example:
1) He lost his family, his car and his cell phone.
"I can't die yet, I've got responsibilities and a family, and I have to look after my parents.

3) He was beaten up, 
knocked down and slapped. 
4) He die, He faint, he fall. 

"Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on weekends."
6) " For God, for Country and for Yale".

 "And as I’m sinkin’, The last thing that I think Is, did I pay my rent?"
 He lost it all, he lost all wealth, he lost all contacts.

9) He was a rogue, a liar, a tricky man.
10) The lion thundered, he roared, he smirked and finally smiled.

He died, he fainted and faltered on hearing the news.
12) She is the creator, she is the achiever, she is the nurturer, she is the provider.

13) He died, he fought, he argued.
14) "1He has seen a ravages of war, he has known natural catastrophes, he has been to singles bars."
15) He was killed, beaten up and abused.  


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