Apostrophe and its example

 Apostrophe is a figure of speech in which absent things or dead person is directly addressed as it is present and able of understanding. It is found in poetry, plays and literature. It is more commonly known as a punctuation mark

For examples:
1) Ring o bell!
2) Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are.

3) Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean.
4) Don't tell me now, dear.

5) Feet, don't fail me now.
6) O caption! my caption! Our fearful trip is done.

7) Oh Shakespeare! How they love murdering the language you love.
8) Oh God! Where are you?

9) Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree! how lovely are your branches.
10) Out, out, damned spot.

11) Don't tell me now, dear eyes.
12) Oh sons of Mother India! Your sacrifice is unmatched...

13) O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth.
14) O holy night! The stars are brightly shining!

15) Then come sweet death, and rid me out of this grief.
16) Oh, bed! At last; I can be with you!

17) Oh, rose, how sweet you smell and how bright you look!
18) "Blow winds, blow!"

19) "Little lamb, who made thee?"
20) Come, let me clutch thee!

21) " O stranger of the future!"
22) "O My friends, there is no friend".

23) "She is always on time", he said.
24) Oh God! It's snowing again.

25) Welcome, O life!
26) O mighty Caser! dost thou lies on low.

27) O cuckoo! Shall I call thee bird?
28) O Grave! where is thy victory?

29) The boy's clothes were covered with mud.
30) "But O heart! heart! heart!"


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