Hyperbole and its example.

Hyperbole are exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. It is used for a better poetic effect.

For example:
1) This bag weight a ton.
2) The green carpet covers the length and breadth of the Earth.

3) " I haven't seen you in a million years."
4) She had a brain the size of planet.

5) She's is as old as hills.
6) Secrets  travel faster than the speed of light.

7) Its raining cats and dog.
8) I died of embarrassment.

9) I'm so hungry so that I can eat a mountain.
10) Fires in my pockets.

11) I'm so excited, I could die!
12) It took forever to find you.

13) " Billion Dollar in my pocket."
14) The shopping cost her a fortune.

15) He has the memory of an elephant.
16) He is running faster than lightening.

17) He runs like a wind.
18) He talks a mile a minute.

19) Fake news everywhere.
20) He eats like a bird.

21) Its worst day of my entire life.
22) She was spitting bullets when angered.

23) The kings nose was three feet long.
24) I'm twenty feet tall this month.

25) She cried so long that she made a lake.
26) He is as skinny as toothpick.

27) The whole world is staring at me.
28) He's high as a kite.

29) I'm thirsty as a camel.
30) It's raining for 100 years.

31) These shoes are killing me.
32) I'm drowning in work.

33) Ouch! This curry is hotter than the Sun.
34) That man runs faster than a car.

35) He has the memory of an elephant.
36) This was the easiest quiz in the world.

37) I was so ashamed, the earth swallowed me up.
38) I screamed until I was blue in face.

39) Next Sunday is never going to come.
40) You could have knocked me over with a feather. 


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