Interrogation and its example.

Interrogation is a figure of speech where questions are asked for a better poetic effect or better impact. Here questions are asked not for answer, but to set us thinking.

For examples:
1) Who is there so vile that will not love his country?
2) Am I an idiot to fall for your lies?

3) Isn't this my own, my sweet house?
4) What though sorrow seems to win, O'er hopes a heavy sway?

5) Are we foolish to get carried away by these empty promises?
6) Does the needle ever wink its eye?

7) If the shower will make the roses bloom, Oh, why lament it falls?
8) And what is the sound of the birch's bark?

9) What though Death at times steps in, And calls our best away?
10) Why doesn't the wing of a building fly?

11) If the shower will make the roses bloom, Oh, why lament its falls?
12) What though sorrow seems to win, O'er hopes a heavy sway?

13) What though death at times steps in, And calls our best way?
14) What is this life, if full of care?
15) When can their glory fade? 


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