Metonymy and its example

Metonymy is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with that thing.

For examples:
1) The pen is mightier than the sword. [ Literary power is superior than military power]
2) He writes a fine hand. [ Good handwriting]

3) He is a man of the cloth. [ Man of the church]
4) You must discuss your point with permission from the chair. [ Permission from senior]

5) Money just walked in. [ A rich person came inside]
6) The grave's a fine and private place. [ Grave means death]

7) The suits were at a meeting. [ Suits means businessman]
8) Let me give you a hand. [ Hand means help]

9) The office was busy in work. [ Office means people in office]
10) There are lot of good heads in the university. [ Good heads means intelligent students]

11) We need some new blood in the organization. [ New blood means new people]
12) He has new set of wheels. [ Wheels means car, bike]

13) I remain loyal to the crown. [ Crown means King]
14) The kitchen is coming along nicely. [ Kitchen means 
renovation work is done quickly]

15) I enjoy reading Shakespeare. [ Shakespeare means his play]
16) He is a minister of the crown. [ Crown means King]

17) The top brass is contesting the cuts. [T
op brass means senior officer]
18) Students, lend me your ears. [E
ars refers to attention of students]

19) This dish is quite tasty. [Dish refers to entire plate of food]
20) Rahul ask for her hand. [A
sk for her hand means asking a women to marry]


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