Paradox and its example.

A paradox is a figure of speech that seems to contradict itself, the statement may appear to be silly but which, upon further examination, contains some truth or reason. A paradox is an idea.

For examples:
1)I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.
2) I had to come to prison to be a crook.

3) The first rule is to delete all rules.
4) I know that I know nothing.

5) If everyone is special, no one is.
6) The Child is father of the Man.

7) Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
8) Deep down, you're really shallow.

9) I’m My Own Grandpa.
10) You have to be cruel to be kind.

11) Your mission is to not accept this mission.
12) We must go backwards to go forwards.

13) It’s weird not to be weird.
14) You can save money by spending it.

15) This is the beginning of the end.
16) Love is a disease.

17) Less is more.
18) He is nobody.

19) In order to lead, you must follow.
20) Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.

21) Men worked together whether they work together or apart.
22) I can resist anything but temptation.

23) To bring peace we must war.
24) Cowards die many times before their death.

25) The truth is honey, which is bitter.
26) Its hard work doing nothing.

27) Her silence is deafening.
28) The more we know, the less we understand.

29) Don't go near the water, till you have learned how to swim.
30) The man who wrote such a stupid sentence can not write at all.

31) “I can’t live with or without you”.
32) Yours enemy's friend is your enemy.

33) Listen to the sound of silence.
34) I bought jumbo shrimp.

35) The second sentence is false. The first sentence is true.
36) Too early seen unknown and known too late.

37) The feud was the ultimate beginning of the classic end.
38) He is saving money for the rainy day by spending it in everyway.

39) Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room.
40) You know nothing and you are wise.


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