Personification and its example

 When a writer gives human like qualities to nonliving thingsWhen a figure or an object or plants and animals is given human characteristics, it is being personified.

For example:

1) Love lost its way.
2) My computer is working very hard.

3) I like car but it don't like me.
4) Early in the morning, my mobile was smiling at me.

5) Books reach out to kids.
6) My television speaks to me.

7) The school bell called us from outside.
8) Life moves pretty fast.

9) The heart wants what it want.
10) Time waits no one.

11) This article says apple is good for health.
12) This phone is dead.

13) The tired old car coughed down the street.
14) My sweet home smiles at me.

15) Flowers are dancing in the breeze.
16) Death is the mother of beauty.

17) The owl laughed with a "hoot-hoot".
18) The sun smiled at us early in the morning.

19) I wanted to get money, but the ATM died.
20) This river speaks to me.

21) I wandered lonely as a cloud.
22) The thunder grumbled like an old man.

23) The sea danced in the moonlight.
24) The car was suffering from the bad roads.

25) Time flew before we knew it.
26) The fire ran wild.

27) The popcorn jumped out of the bowl.
28) Hurricane attacked the town with full force.

29) I could hear laptop calling my name.
30) This bike raced off screaming for attention.

31) The door protested as it opened slowly.
32) The cave mouth yawned.

33) Death could not stop him.
34) The stars winked in the night sky.

35) You ran as horror looks you right between the eyes.
36) Light had conquered darkness.

37) Still waters shivered in the winds.
38) These trees rested this afternoon.

39) This city never sleeps.
40) My school needs clever students.

41) The candle flame danced in the dark.
42) Justice is blind and, at times, deaf.

43) He is walking on the lonely road.
44) This old tree is begging for water.

45) The party died as soon as she left.
46) Death hold its icy hands.

47) The silence crept into the classroom.
48) The moon turned over to face the day.

49) Her happiness died as soon as she heard the news.
50) I overheard the walls talking about you.  


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