Similes and its examples.

Simile is used to compare two different things and show a common quality between them. For comparing two different things, we use "like" or "as" in the sentence.

For examples:
1) He smiles like the sun.
2) He's as thin as match-stick.

3) I have seen old ships sail like swans asleep.
4) He spit out his teeth like stones.

5) He is as sweet as sugar.
6) This man's hand is as cold as ice.

7) Last night, I slept like a log.
8) He is as tall as a tree.

9) She moved like a deer.
10) My heart is like a singing bird.

11) He's as hungry as a wolf.
12) The truth was like a bad taste on his tongue.

13) He hung his head like a dying flower.
14) Her hair was as soft as a spider web.

15) He is as strong as an ox.
16) Your explanation is as clear as mud.

17) Last night, I slept like a log.
18) The evening stretches before me like a road.

19) Life is like with a pen.
20) She sings like an angel.

21) His face became as black as coal after being criticised.
22) I am so thirsty, that my throat is as dry as a bone.

23) They fought like cats and dogs.
24) My friend is as blind as a bat.

25) During war, soldier were as brave as lion.
26) My new blanket is as soft as velvet.

27) His clothes are as white as snow.
28) She is as proud as peacock, when she become the monitor of class.

29) That guy is as nutty as a fruitcake.
30) Don’t just sit there like a bump on a log.

31) You still look as fresh as daisy after such a long work.
32) Her voice is as smooth as silk.

33) My friend is like an old oak.
34) They are as different as night and day.

35) Each face was like the setting sun in the party.
36) He is as brave as a lion.

37) The robber who stole my friend's purse was as bold as brass.
38) His beard is as thorny as a rose bush.

39) Her face is as smooth as glass.
40) My friend works as busy as an ant in his office.

41) This house is as clean as a whistle.
42) My love for you is as deep as the ocean.

43) When she reached the top of the hill, she felt as strong as steel gate.
44) Her eyes are like the eyes of statues.
45) Dreams, like ghosts, must hide away.



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