Information Transfer.

1. (Verbal To Non-Verbal)

i) Read the given paragraph carefully.

ii) Give a perfect title.

iii) Underline the important points in given paragraph.

iv) Transfer these points into different graphic forms as per the question [table, tree diagram, flow chart, etc].

v) Draw neat diagrams with a pencil and write answers using pen only.

vi) Do not add your own points. 

For example: 

1. Read the following paragraph about the Rules Of Discipline and prepare a chart of Do's and Don't .

Maintain silence while you are there in fort. Don't write on the walls or throw any wrappers of eatables on floor. Keep your mobile in silence mode. Don't talk loudly or scream  inside the fort. Ask guide if you want any information. Always read the instruction while going inside the fort.


Do's and Don't in fort



1.Maintain silence.

2. Keep mobile in silence mode.

3. Ask guide for information.

4. Read the instruction.

1. Don't write on the walls.

2. Don't  throw any wrappers of eatables on floor.

3. Don't talk loudly or scream.


For example: 

2. Read the following paragraph about the Benefits Of Running and draw a web diagram.

Research shows that just 30 minutes of running can have huge benefits on your short-term and long-term health. You’ll keep burning fat long after your run. Your body will use fat as its primary power source, rather than relying on the carbohydrates that play a bigger role as exercise intensity increases. One 30 minute run is guaranteed to burn between 200-500 calories. A short run will give you better sleep than no running at all. You’ll see your sleep improve significantly. You’ll soon see effects like more defined muscles, clearer and healthier skin. A short run will lower blood pressure, a better balance of good and bad cholesterol, lower stress hormones.


Benefits Of Running

3. Read the following paragraph and complete the table.

Physical courage and Moral courage both are necessary for a man. But both are different. Physical Courage is overcoming the fear of bodily injury, while Moral Courage is overcoming the fear from the mind. It means for physical courage, physical exercise is needed while for  Moral courage, mind exercise is needed. Physical Courage is the one where many men will point to when puffing their chests, regular exercise as well as good diet. For Moral Courage developing moral code of conduct, exercising your mind and building strong value system. For the cultivation of moral courage, we have to shun the desires of the materialistic world. By controlling our desires, we can rise in spirit. We are not selfish but we try to be in more civilised way. Those people who use physical courage, show their power by suppressing weaker people. Examples of Moral courage is Mahatma Gandhi and that of  Physical courage are wrestlers.


Physical courage and Moral courage


Moral courage

Physical courage

Exercise required

mind exercise

physical exercise

What develops

moral code of conduct

Good body

What we see in

rise in spirit, not selfish,  more civilised way

Suppressing weaker people


Mahatma Gandhi 


4. Read the following paragraph and complete the table.

Peepal tree has a significant role in religions like Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. This tree is also known as " Bodhi tree", because it is a tree under which Lord Buddha attained " the enlightenment".   Its scientific name is “Ficus Religiosa”. Peepal trees are native to India and thrive in hot, humid weather. It requires full sunlight, well drained soil and humid climate for healthy growth. It produce oxygen in the day time and even at night time. It can live up to 1000 years and grow up to 100 feet. Consuming Peepel leaves have many benefits It is useful for skin itching and other infections. It is used for treating cold and cough, asthma,  


Peepal tree

Significant role in

Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.

Known as

Bodhi tree.

Scientific name

Ficus Religiosa.

Climate required

Hot, humid weather, full sunlight.


Skin itching and other infections, cold and cough, asthma.

5. Read the following paragraph and complete the table.

Cricket is a global passion, played everywhere from Test match arenas to village greens, beaches and dusty ground.  Cricket was first recorded in 16th-century England. The first international match was in 1877, where England lost to Australia in Melbourne.  The top batsman in history is India’s Sachin Tendulkar scored 15,921 runs in 200 Tests and 18,426 runs in 463 one-day internationals. He was the first batsman to score a double century in a one-day International. He is the only player to have made 100 international centuries.
In 1958, Hanif Mohammad scored 337 for Pakistan against the West Indies by playing the longest Test innings for 970 minutes ( more than 16 hours ). In 2004, West Indies batsman Brian Lara’s 400 not out against England in Antigua was the highest individual Test score. 


History of Cricket

Cricket was first recorded

16th Century.

First international match

1877 where where England lost to Australia in Melbourne.

Record of Sachin Tendulkar

scored 15,921 runs in 200 Tests and 18,426 runs in 463 one-day internationals, double century in a one-day International, made 100 international centuries.

Longest Test innings

Hanif Mohammad for 970 minutes ( more than 16 hours )

Highest individual Test score

West Indies batsman Brian Lara scored 400 not out against England in 2004

6. Read the following paragraph and draw a web diagram.

According to Hinduism, river Ganga is a holy river. Ganga river has power to cure all kind of disease in human body. According to research, water in Ganga river has different substances and structures than any other water. The substances act as a strong antiseptic, anti fungi and anti bacteria. Ganga river contains higher amount of antiseptic than other water. Water in river Ganga kills bacteria.  It brings positive aura to our body.  According to research, this river has rich minerals and nutrients which will keep your health good and boost your skin moist.


Health benefits of bathing in River Ganga

7. Read the following paragraph and transfer the following into a flow chart.

Garbage disposal has become a great problem. Lots of garbage are collected from every household, hospitals and from public places. These wastes are segregated of organic waste and inorganic waste. These organic waste can be recycled. Composting is nature's way of recycling. Food waste are broken down and become food for plants. Compost is organic material that can be added to soil to help plants grow.  Benefits of compost are: 1) Increases organic matter in your soil.  2) Helps balance the pH of your soil.  3) Makes clay soils more airy and helps them drain better.


Garbage Disposal

8. Read the following paragraph and prepare a pie diagram for the same.

We waste water every day knowingly or unknowingly. We waste water while doing small-small things like not turning off the tap when brushing teeth, shaving, washing vehicles with fresh water on a daily basis or not repairing leakages. Near about 23 per cent of piped water in India is lost to leakage. We waste near about 17% of water for taking shower bath and flushing the toilet. India’s biggest problem is that of rampant water-waste in agriculture that consumes around 60% of India’s total freshwater resources. 


Water Wastage in India

9. Read the following paragraph and prepare a pie diagram for the same.

Bhagat Singh (born September 27, 1907, Lyallpur, western Punjab, India (Now in Pakistan) was a revolutionary hero of the Indian Independence movement. He studied at Dayanand Anglo Vedic High School, which was managed by Arya Samaj located in Lahore. He then studied at National college which is also located in Lahore. At very young age he began to protest against British rule in India. In 1928 Bhagat Singh along with other freedom fighter plotted to kill the police chief responsible for the death of Indian politician Lala Lajpat Rai. Instead, Junior officer J.P. Saunders was killed  in a case of mistaken identity. Singh was convicted and hanged on 23March 1931, aged 23.for the murder of Saunders.

Bhagat Singh


Bhagat Singh

Date of birth

27 September 1907

Studied at

Dayanand Anglo Vedic High School and National college

Name of Junior officer killed

J.P. Saunders

Hanged on

23March 1931

10. Read the following paragraph and write the information in tabular form.

Mango trees are tropical trees that belong to a flowering plant genus while Coconut trees are member of the Palm family. Coconut trees have fibrous root system. Mangoes have tap root system. Leaf of Coconut tree have parallel venation. while that of mango trees have reticulated venation. Weight of coconuts is around 1.4 kg, while that of mango is around 1-2 kg. Coconuts are generally grown in sandy salt-tolerant soil. They are generally grown in warmer climates.



Mango trees

Coconut trees

Belongs to 

flowering plant genus

Palm family


tap root system

fibrous root system


reticulated venation

parallel venation


1-2 kg
1.4 kg

Grown where

warmer climatessandy salt-tolerant soil

10. Read the following paragraph and prepare a web diagram.

Success is different for everyone and everybody defines it in their own way. Success is the achievement of something that you have been trying to do. It could mean a sense of achievement and career progression. People associates success with name, fame and wealth. Some people have emotional success like self-esteem and good relationship. Some attain spiritual success like increment in spirituality. Some will attain for physical success like body fitness and energy levels.   


11. Read the following paragraph. It is in jumbled order. Prepare a  flowchart in the correct process.

The farmer continued cutting the tree. He did not listen to their cries. He spent all his life under that tree. His memories made him realize his mistakes.  A farmer had an old banyan tree in his garden. All the little animals in the tree pleaded to him. He thought that the tree is useless and started to cut it. Elders of the village told him about useful things of tree for ulcers and painful skin diseases.


12. Read the following paragraph. It is in jumbled order. Prepare a  flowchart in the correct process.

The first season of the Indian Premier League started in the year 2008.   In 1848, the Parsi community in Mumbai formed the Oriental Cricket Club. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) was created in December 1928.The first class cricket began in the year 1864 between Madras and Calcutta team. All - India team went on a tour of England in 1911, under Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala. The British brought cricket to India in the early 1700s. BCCI commenced T20 in 2006-07. The first cricket match was played in India was in the year 1721 at Kutch.


13. Read the following paragraph and prepare a chart of Do's and Don't. 

     Diwali is the festival of lights. To make Diwali safer and greener many states have banned the sales and bursting of firecrackers. Here are some ways by which you can make yourself safer. Don't let the children fire firecrackers on their own. Wear cotton clothes, avoid synthetic clothes. Don't fire firecrackers barefoot, wear shoes. Keep water or sand near by to dose fire in case of emergency. If you are having long hair, tie your hair. Use incense stick while bursting firecrackers don't use matchbox. Always burst firecrackers in open area. If the skin area get burnt, wash it gently with cold water.  Don't use sanitizer while firing crackers. Don't try to examine a cracker that has not burst. Don't try bursting crackers on the tails of animals for the sake of fun.




Do wear cotton clothes while bursting of firecrackers.

Don't let the children fire firecrackers.

Do wear shoes.

Don't fire firecrackers barefoot.

Keep water or sand nearby to dose fire in case of emergency.

Don't use matchbox while bursting firecrackers.

If you are having long hair, tie your hair.

Don't use sanitizer while firing crackers.

Use incense stick while bursting firecrackers.

Don't try to examine a cracker that has not burst.

Always burst firecrackers in open area.

Don't try bursting crackers on the tails of animals for the sake of fun.

14. Read the following paragraph. Prepare a  flowchart. 

Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869. At 1883, Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturbai got married. On 4th September 1888 Gandhi leaves for England to study law. In 1893, Gandhi takes a job with an Indian law firm in South Africa.  In 1919 Gandhi became a leader in the Indian National Congress political party. 

Answer: Important events in the life of Mahatma Gandhi.

15. Read the following paragraph. Prepare a  suitable diagrams showing this information.

Mr Patil has the following expenses in a month. Out of a salary in a month, he spends 20% of it for travelling. Then for  mobile bills his expenditure is 15%. He spends 10% of his income  on Medical. The House rent is 15% of his income. His household expenses is 40%. 


2. (Non-Verbal To Verbal)

i) Read the given graph/diagram/table etc..

ii) Try to understand the points given.

iii) Give an appropriate title to your write-up.

iv) Begin and conclude the points in a paragraph. 

v) All the points should be covered.

vi) Use appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures while writing.

There should be one or two paragraphs. It should have 100 - 120

viii) Do not add extra information. 

For example:  1. Observe the following web-chart carefully and write a short paragraph on it. To be a good leader one needs to develop some good qualities. Some are given below: 



  1. Keep a Positive attitude.
  2.Be open to new ideas.
  3.Set clear goals. 
  4. Open communication and connect with your team members.

  5. Give feedback.


Leaders are needed at every level and in every venue. Leadership is the quality of providing direction to a group of individuals working towards a common goal. Leader should always keep a positive attitude. A leader must never be static in their working or thinking process. He must be open to new ideas. Innovation ensures that the group can stand out among the competition and even emerge better than the others. Setting clear goals is another important part of being a good leader. Leadership is the quality of providing direction to a group of individuals working towards a common goal.  

A leader must create an environment of open communication. Communicating ideas clearly and concisely is essential to ensure teamwork towards the same goal. A leader must connect with his team members and must communicate with group members, it develops respect towards the leader. Give feedback in a timely manner. No one likes to wait. The longer you as a leader lag in providing feedback, the more likely your team are prone to not care. These qualities help in the growth of an organization. Working to implement these principles of effective leadership will set you on your way to becoming a leader of tomorrow.

For example:  2. Observe the following web-chart carefully and write a short paragraph on it. Reason for failure of students. Some are given below: 



  1. Lack of preparation
  2. Lack of Effort.
  3. An absence of Motivation or Interest. 
  4.  Wasting too much time in playing games or watching T.V.

  5. Bad company.

        Student's failure have many reasons. Students are too lazy to work themselves and they study at last movement. There is lack of preparation for examination. Students need to take every hardship for great success but there is lack of effort from student's side. 

        Being demotivated to study or lack of interest in studies, they end up failing in high school. Wasting too much time in playing games or watching T.V. has become the major part in distracting the study mind of the children. Students have become the victim of bad company due to which their studies gets affected. There is a lack of proper guidance.

        If students prepare themselves well in advance for examination, continuous effort for study, self - motivated, good interest in studies, not wasting too much time in playing games or watching T.V. and keeping good  company then they will get success definitely.  

 For example:  3. Observe the following web-chart carefully and write a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information.


The benefits of meditation are extensive and backed by science. Many studies have proven the benefits of regular meditation. It is essential for anyone in normal and daily life. Meditation helps you focus on present, which can improve your concentration on other tasks in your daily life. It can also lower the stress hormone which helps you feel more relaxed. Studies have found that meditation can help the person's anxiety to calm their minds and reduce the symptoms of depression.  Meditation can help a person to reduce pain in those who suffered from acute or chronic pain. It helps to increase self-awareness by increasing the ability to examine his own thoughts and feelings without judgment.

For example:  4. Observe the following web-chart carefully and write a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information.

Sources of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy are clean energy that
 comes from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished. 
While renewable energy is often thought of as a new technology, its use continues to grow in smarter ways. There are various sources of Renewable energy. The energy generated from Sun is called solar energy. Solar systems generate electricity for many homes and businesses, through rooftop panels. Wind energy turns a turbine’s blades which are placed at hilltops and open plains produces electricity. Hydropower depend on fast-moving  water in a large river or speedy descending water from a high point. Generator’s turbine blades are rotated that converts force of water into electricity. Biomass is organic material when burned, the chemical energy is released as heat and it can generate electricity with a steam turbine. 

For example:  5. Observe the following web-chart carefully and write a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information. 

Sources of Air Pollution

Air pollution is the presence of harmful substances in the atmosphere that are injurious to the health of all living beings. Air pollution also has considerable economic impacts, short life span as well as increasing medical costs. By looking at pie diagram we come to know that Industry is largely responsible for air pollution. It is at 52%. Transportation comes second which is at 27% responsible for air pollution. Many toxic gases that come from vehicles are released in air. Third is Agriculture which amounts to 10%. Agricultural air pollution comes mainly in the form of ammonia , which enters the air as a gas from heavily fertilized fields. Consumer and Commercial products are responsible for 8% of air pollution. Others are responsible for 2% of air pollution. Commercial and Residential heating amounts to 1% of air pollution. 

For example:  6. Observe the following web-chart carefully and write a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information. 


High 0C

Low 0C



















Temperature of States in India

India has extraordinary climatic regions that range from tropical to the south region. The temperature of states in  India is not even. The maximum and minimum temperatures of Indian cities are given in °C. Maharashtra's maximum temperature is 32 0C and minimum temperature is 24 0C. Gujarat's maximum temperature is 34 0C and minimum temperature is 20 0C. Goa's maximum temperature is 32 0C and minimum temperature is 23 0C.  Karnataka's maximum temperature is 30 0C and minimum temperature is 19 0C. Kerala's maximum temperature is 31 0C and minimum temperature is 23 0C. Punjab's maximum temperature is 30 0C and minimum temperature is 15 0CClimate in South India is generally hotter and more humid than that of North India. South India is more humid due to nearby coasts. India's northernmost areas are subject to a montane, or alpine, climate. In the Himalayas, air mass's temperature falls as altitude gained and cold air passes through most of Northern states. 

For example:  7Observe the following web-chart carefully and write a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information. 

Problems faced by Wildlife Animals

Wild animals face many problems and hence it lead to reduction in their numbers. Deforestation or There is removal of a forest in large scale for urban use and plantation is the biggest threat to the wildlife of India. Poaching is one of the way of illegal hunting of wild animals for ivory, fur of several animals and claws. Hunting or killing of wild animals for food and meat is a threat to wild animals. 
Railway Tracks in India passes through wildlife sanctuary and jungles. There are list of several incidents where wild animals have been killed by trains in India. Due to Electric fence, there is increase in death of animals in India. Environmental issues in India is a big challenge. We should really do something to help these wild animals from being extinct. 

For example: 8Observe the following web-chart carefully and write a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information.


Preparation for Job Interview

After you’ve spent time preparing for Job Interview, you can be successful by practicing these tips on interview day. Using the company’s website, you have to do research of the company. before going to interview. It can help you go into your interview with confidence. Take copies of your printed resume on clean paper before going to interview. Come to the interview location 10-15 minutes early. When you arrive early, you can use the extra minutes to observe office atmosphere. Before going to interview, you should shine your shoes, clothes should be ironed and make sure your nails are clean. Do smile throughout the interview as first impression is last impression.

For example: 9. Given below is a factfile about the mango tree. Write a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information.


Mango, Hindi name - Aam

Scientific name

Mangifera indica


Species of flowering plant in family Anacardiaceae.


Region between northwestern Myanmar, Bangladesh and India.


30-40 m( 98-131 feet) tall

Area of growth

Major mango growing states are Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.


107 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 24 grams of sugar, 25% daily value of Vitamin A, 76% daily value of Vitamin C.

Profile of the Mango tree

The name for mango in Hindi is Aam. The scientific name is Mangifera indica. It belongs to the species of flowering plant in family Anacardiaceae. The origin of mango tree is from the region between northwestern Myanmar, Bangladesh and India. This tree can grow up to the height of 30-40 m( 98-131 feet). It usually grows well in the states like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. The following nutrition found in mangoes are 107 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 24 grams of sugar, 25% daily value of Vitamin A, 76% daily value of Vitamin C.

For example: 10. See the flow chart. Write a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information.

Admission Procedure for Std.XI

The admission procedure for Std. XI is as follows: Students who want to take admission have to take admission form from Window No.1. Students have to fill the form and do the attestation as required. The filled form have to be submitted at Window No.2. Waiting list will be displayed on 1st August. Students have to collect the form that they have submitted from Window No,.3. Students have to submit the form with all the details filled along with the payment of fees at Window No.4.

For example: 11. Some habits to become a topper have been given in the web below. Write a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information.

Habbits to become a Topper

Students have to have certain to become a Topper. One of the top habits you should have to become a topper is to be regular in attending your classes. It will help you to keep a track on what is being covered under each subject. Doing regular revision of each subject will help students to retain information for a longer period. It gives opportunity to work more on weaker subjects. If you get low marks in any subject try finding where you lacked. Learn from your mistakes. Planning is most important habit you should follow to become a topper. Make plan more realistic. You must keep yourself motivated. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Motivate yourself to be better than others. 

For example: 12. Write your own commandments for teenagers on what parents or teachers should or should not do. Write a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information.

Teen Commandments

Parents should make timetable for studies and guide us to follow Timetable. Parents should also show us the value of money. If we are having doubt in homework parents should help us during homework. Teachers and parents should tell us the importance of outdoor activities. Parents should take us outside. They should spend their free time with us. Parents should not compare us with other students. Parents should support us. They should celebrate during our achievements. They should talk in positive way. Parents and teachers should advise us about personal hygiene.

For example: 13. Transform the information into a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information.

Different types of Industries

There are many types of occupation that people do. Primary sector contributes 30% of the economy. These are raw material industry. Secondary sector contributes 30 % of the economy. It includes manufacturing, construction industry. Tertiary sector contributes 35% of the economy. It includes service industry. Quaternary sector contributes 5% of the economy. It includes information service, human service.

For example: 14. Transform the information into a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information.

Types of Values

Values can be classified as Material values and Spiritual values. Material values are like discipline, income, wealth , etc. Spiritual values are like religious speech, about God, etc. Family teach us discipline by giving instructions. They teaches us how to read and write. How to go ahead in life and earn money. In School, teachers teaches us the uses of books, discipline. They also teaches us other activities like dance, sports, etc. Students can get spiritual values from books. From spiritual films also students can get various information about religious stories. From personal experience also one can get spiritual success in their life.

For example: 15. Transform the information of school topper, into a short paragraph on it. Add a few points to the given information.

Regular Diet

Favourite dish



Study hours

Sleeping Hours

Vegetables, fruit juice, rice

Italian Pizza

Jogging and skipping


2 hours everyday

8 hours

Anil's Health chart
My friend Anil is topper in my class. He follow his regular diet as vegetables, fruit juice and rice everyday. Whenever he has pocket money, he eats his favourite dish. His favourite dish is Italian Pizza. He is very particular about his exercise for physical fitness. He do jogging and skipping everyday in evening. He likes to play cricket during weekends. He study everyday for about 2 hours. He make his own timetable for studies and work according to it. He goes off to sleep by 9.00 p.m. He sleeps for about 8 hours everyday.

For example: 16. Transform the information into a short paragraph on it. You may use the points given below the graph:

Reading versus Mobiles
Earlier children use to read for five hours daily. But the time spent on reading has decreased from 2005 to 2020. Students use to study for five hours daily in year 2005. It decreased to 2.5 hours daily in year 2010, then again it decreased to 1.5 hours daily in year 2015. Again it dropped further to one hour per day. At the same time students are spending more time on mobile. Earlier students use to spend 2.4 hours per day on mobile. In year 2010, spending more time on mobile have become near to double to 4.4 hours per day. Again in year 2015, students spent 4.8 hours per day on mobile. By 2020, spending more time on mobile have increased a great height  to 5.6 hours per day. Reading habits is going down and spending more time on mobile is increasing day by day. 

For example: 16. Given below are some statistics of the population of Goa according to the 2011 census. Transform the information into a short paragraph on it. 

Total Population                 

1.81 million

Urban population

About 60%

Adult literacy


Sex ratio


Average density of population

394 persons per square kilometre.

Age structure

Youth population about 50%, elderly population about 12%,

Population Census in Goa - 2011
The total population of Goa was found to be 1.81 million. Out of the total population, urban population accounted for about 60%.  Remaining percentage lived in rural areas. The adult literacy rate is now about 90%. The Average Sex ratio of Goa is 973 females per 1000 males. The average density of population is 394 persons per square kilometre. About 50% of the population in Goa is made up of the youth. The population of elderly is about 12% due to better health facilities. 

For example: 17. Given below is a short tourist leaflet about Bangalore with respect to some special features and place to visit. Transform the information into a short paragraph on it. 

Bangalore : The capital of Karnataka


More than 10 million


IT Capital of India

Special features

Clean and green city, Low crime rates, safe place for women, Paradise for music lovers.

Places to visit

Bangalore fort, Bangalore palace, Lalbagh, Cubbon Park, Iskcon temple.

Bangalore : The capital of Karnataka
Bangalore is the capital of Karnataka. It is also called as IT Capital of India. It is the IT hub of nation. It has a population of more than 10 million. It is one of the clean and green city in India. The crime rates is also low. Women can roam here late at night. It is a safe place for women. They don't need to worry about eve teasers at all. This is the perfect place and a paradise for music lovers. Bangalore is full of places for one to visit. Bangalore fort is a majestic and historical structure. The majestic Bangalore palace is enclosed by beautiful gardens. It is a famous tourist attractions. Lalbagh is botanical garden and a haven for all nature lovers. Cubbon park is also an ideal place for nature lovers. Iskcon is one of the famous temple in Bangalore.

For example: 17. Given below is a leaflet about Tree Plantation Programme that your school have organized. Transform the information into a short paragraph on it. 

Tree plantation drive
Our school M.N.School are organizing a Tree Plantation Drive on 30th July. This will be held on B.M.C. ground and will be extended throughout the area. The programme will begin at 10.00 a.m. Those interested can contact M.N.School.
Now a days trees are being cut in large numbers. The number of residential complex are increasing day by day. It can harm ecosystems. The ill effects can be seen like change in climate and rising temperature. This can be reduce by your small help. So please help by way of saplings and funds. This can help for our future generations. 


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