Synecdoche and its example

Synecdoche is a figure of speech which allows a part to stand for a whole or for a whole to stand for a part.

For examples:
1) Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
2) Beautiful are the feet that bring the good news.

3) The women are forever 
wagging tongues. [Gossip is often referred to as wagging tongues]
4) Enjoy the bounty of the summer yield.

5) He have four mouths to feed at home. [ mouth ( a part) means people (whole)]
6) Check out my new wheels.
[ wheels ( a part) means car (whole)] 

7) Give us this day our daily bread. 
bread ( a part) means food (whole)]
8) The hired hands completed the given work. 
 hired hands ( a part) means workers (whole)]

9) The father in him stopped him from beating this child.
10) Can you spare your wallet?

11) There are best brains in our school.
12) He is a poor creature.

13) India won the match.
14) His glasses are broken. 
glasses ( a part) means spectacles (whole)]

15) This grey beard is running. 
grey beard ( a part) means an old man (whole)]
16) Please handle this silverware carefully. 
silverware means Cutlery]

17) The boots are in battle. 
boots ( a part) means soldiers (whole)]
18) All hands on the desk. 
hands ( a part) means people (whole)]

19) A fleet of fifty sails left. 
sails ( a part) means ships (whole)]
20) He is the head of this place that gives command. 
head ( a part) means man (whole)]

21) Every man is not a Solomon.
22) The world treated him badly.

23) He was put behind bars.
24) The suits are coming here for yearly audit. [ Suits means businessman]
25) Can I have coke? [ Coke means any cold drinks]


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