Narrating an experience

You have to write the story or narration based on creativity and give a positive message through your story. If the beginning is given, write with the given beginning, make a story and write proper conclusion. If the end is given, begin your story/ narration in such a way to get the end given.


1) It was my summer vacation ..................

Experience of Summer Vacation At Goa

It was my summer vacation, so my parents decided to visit ones of the best tourist spots of India. After much discussion, we decided to visit Goa. We planned a 12 day trip and booked a car for the same.

Goa is very well known for its beaches. There are number of beaches. On the very first day, we went to beach. We saw many fisherman moving in to the sea and catch fish. Many water sports activities like kayaking, Scuba diving, wind-surfing, jet-skiing, parasailing, banana ride, water surfing was going on there. We did Scuba diving, wind-surfing, banana ride and water surfing. It was a great fun. Next day we went to Mollem National Park. The main attraction of this park was the jungle safari, we got a glimpse of wild animals from close proximity. Third day we went to Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary, where we trekked through dense forested area. Each and every day we enjoyed by going to various adventurous and beautiful places in Goa.

The last day we relaxed in the resort we booked. We did shopping of Cashews, trending clothes and all precious things available in Goa. We enjoyed our evening in Calangute Beach before returning back to hometown. 

2) I was nervous and scared. ..................

A fearful night

I was nervous and scared as I was walking alone on Saturday night. There was no one except me, suddenly I heard some one calling my name. When I turned back, there was no one on the street. I became afraid and I could feel myself getting numb. So I started running to go as fast as I could to reach home.

At the corner of that road, I once again turned back to see if some one was there, but no one was there. I started walking and once again someone called my name. I turned back but there was no one except me. Suddenly I saw someone's shadow near the tree. I shouted, " Who is there?" But no one gave response. I thought some ghost might be there, so I started chanting loudly Hanuman Chalisa. Hearing my voice, a beggar who was sleeping near that tree, came on the road. I was glad that there was no ghost. 

So I started walking, again I heard someone again calling my name. Somehow again I turned back to see who is there with frightened face. I saw a man running towards me by my name. There was dim light on the street, so I was not able to see him properly. I ran towards one building where watchmen was there and I stood near the gate. When I saw that man who came near the building's light, I was relieved because that man was my distant uncle. When he asked me why I was running, I told him all the story of mine. 

I thanked God that there was no ghost. Now I am free from fear when my uncle told me that there is no ghost. 

3) I will never ever forget the day when ..................

The day I will never forget

I will never ever forget the day when I got 100 out of 100 marks in mathematic for final examination. I could not believe myself. There was a boy in my named Amol who was a studious boy, got 98 marks. I was first in class for mathematic. I thought my teacher have made a mistake while telling name, so I saw my paper three times to see weather it is my paper or some one else paper.   

I was an average boy, I use to study only for one hour everyday. My tution teacher use to take my mathematic practice everyday. And also because of her giving mathematic homework everyday I got out of marks in mathematic. All my friends started congratulating me. I heard other students saying, " How could he?" At that moment, I was the happiest person in the school. I felt myself as the hero of the school.

My parents was very happy when they heard the news. Father congratulated me and gave me a brand new cycle as a gift. That day was seriously the most happiest day of my life.  

4) The story ends with ....... and that's how he got inspired to avoid the use of plastic.

 Avoid Plastic

Ajay and his friends went to beach to celebrate his birthday party. He cut the cake there and enjoyed with his friends. In evening as they were roaming along the beach, they saw plastic and empty tans everywhere. Whatever were thrown in sea came to the beaches. Looking at plastic his friends told Ajay that fishes and other aquatic animals might be eating it. The same fish we are also eating, hence plastic will damage us also. Ajay started to think deeply about it.

When they started to walk further, they saw a dog eating food from the plastic bag. Suddenly the dog ate the food along with plastic. After sometime the dog began to cough continuously. Ajay and his friends ran towards him to help. They encouraged dog to drink some water but it was not ready to drink it. After coughing continuously for 15 minutes, dog vomited everything whatever it had eaten. There was plastic in it. People who were near to Ajay told that not only animals but also many fishes, crabs and turtles have died because of consumption of plastic.

At that moment, Ajay made a promise to himself never to use plastic and to make others stop it. He told to his parents about it . His parents supported him and that's how he got inspired to avoid the use of plastic.

5) The story ends with ....... and they lived happily ever after.

 Good Friends

Rajesh and Dinesh were good friends. They were studying in standard tenth. Both of them would help each other in studies. They would laugh and play around in the society. During festivals they use to enjoy together with other friends. Both were seen enjoying their summer holidays together.

One day Rajesh's father got transferred to another Delhi. Both were very sad, as both liked each other company. As the days passed, Rajesh and Dinesh both got good percentage in tenth standard. They both were in contact with each other even when they went in colleges. After graduation, they went to search for jobs. Rajesh got job in good company as his father's contact was there. 

Dinesh was searching for job but couldn't find good one. At the same time, Dinesh father got  retired from the job. Now the responsibility of home came on Dinesh. Dinesh told his problem to Rajesh as his father's contact was good in corporate world. Rajesh told this to his father and his father immediately agreed to help him. Rajesh told his friend to pack his back along with parents as job is waiting for him. 

Dinesh immediately went to Delhi along with his parents and with his friend's help he got job with good salary. Their friendship grew to new heights and they lived happily ever after.

6) The story ends with ....... I learnt not to be careless and casual about security.

Carelessness is Dangerous

It was a Diwali vacation, so I and my friends decided to go each other house. We greeted everybody and ate sweets. When I came home, I totally forgot to close the door after returning from my friend's house. As I had my dinner at my friend's house, I straight away went to sleep. 

Around midnight, I heard some strange noise inside my house. Someone was whispering. I slowly came outside from my room towards drawing room. I saw three shadows in the drawing room. I quietly went inside my room and locked it. I woke my parents and told them that there are three robbers in drawing room. My father dialed 100 number and called police. He even called watchmen and neighbors about it. In 10 minutes police came. Policemen along with watchmen nabbed the robbers. 

I was very much afraid. My parents scolded me. But Police Inspector praised me for my bravery. From that day onwards, I learnt not to be careless and casual about security.  

7) It was Sunday and I was enjoying the latest movie in the theatre with my parents........


A Horrifying Experience 

It was Sunday and I was enjoying the latest movie in the theatre with my parents. It was a hit and nice movie. Many of my friends have also seen this movie. 

Before going to movie, I was very happy. I got up early and completed my school homework and tution homework fast. We had our lunch in the hotel and went to theatre as show timing was at 3.00 p.m. For first one hour we watched the movie with excitement. Suddenly the light went off. The film stopped abruptly. People started shouting and demanded that the movie should be shown. The staff of the theatre told the people to remain calm as there is no electricity in that area. Some demanded to run movies on generator. The staff told that the generator is not working. Many people argued, some demanded to refund the money. The electricity came after one hour. Many people left the theatre, but we were there in theatre. As I wanted to see the movie, I told my parents to watch it fully. We watched the whole movie.  

When we went outside we saw a big line, as it was one hour late. My parents did not like the arrangements made by staff of theatre. Till today we saw many movies in theatre but this was very horrifying experience. From that day, we decided not to go to that theatre in future. 

8) The story ends with ....... and today he is a millionaire.

Carelessness is Dangerous

My friend Anil was born to a poor family. His father use to work as mill worker and mother use to do household works. He studied in municipality school. He worked as a part time cleaner while studying. During night, he use to study till 1.00 p.m. He was a firm believer in GOD.

He was a topper in the class. He use to talk very less in school and hence he didn't had many friends, But he was my best friend. He use to discuss all the problems with me. He came in merit in S.S.C. board examination. Then for future studies, he went to Bangalore as he has taken Science stream. He also took up jobs along with his studies. Finally after seven whole years, he got the degree as 'DATA SCIENTIST' . He drew a salary of Rupees 12,00,000 per year. He then purchased a big 5-room kitchen flat in South Mumbai. Then too he was not happy with his salary, so he started to look for job abroad. He got job in U.S. with salary of Rupees 50,00,000 per year. 

He settled with his parents in U.S. This year he got married to a rich and qualified girl, and today he is a millionaire.

9) The story ends with ....... patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet'.


Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet

My friend Mr. Ayer and I was studying in eighth standard. He was very quick in doing all works. He wanted to complete all the work given by his parents and teachers before time. 

One day my family and his family decided to go to my native place. Accordingly during summer vacation we went to our native place, In my garden there were many mango trees. My friend was very much found of mangoes. The trees in my garden has just started to bear mangoes. He was impatient and plucked one of them. I told him it is raw mango but he ate it. It was so bitter that he threw it. I told him that it is not the nice time to pluck it and we will pluck it when it becomes yellow in colour. For that we waited for two months. 

After two months, when I saw mangoes yellow in colour I told my friend to pluck it and eat it. When we ate it, it was sweet that he ate half a dozen mangoes at a time. Then he came to know why I waited so patiently for two whole months. That was the time he realised that 'patience is bitter, but the fruit is sweet'.  


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