View and counterview.


The difference between counterview and view are :

View means opinion, belief, or it is the act of seeing or looking at something. It is the statement about any topic. Read the given points thoroughly, make a paragraph for view. 

 is an opposing viewpoint. Develop strong arguments against the given points. Even if you don't agree with what you are writing, you have to make a paragraph for counterview. It is the negative statement of the view topic. It is also called debate against view.
You have to give a title.

Example no.1:
Science is a blessing or curse to Human Beings

View: Science touches our life at every step. It is a big boom and blessing for us. Scientist went in space because of science. The world has now become a global village, because of fast and reliable means of travel and communication. 

Science has helped humans in their dynamic enrichment in the field of education, medicine, astronomy, technology etc.  Science has made our dead parts come alive and sensible, for instance when now a blind can see, a deaf can hear and lame can walk. 

Now science is a compulsory subject for child education. If there were no science, we couldn’t have a modern life.

ounterview: Science made man's life so terrible that it should be called a curse to human beingsIt has given us many dangerous and destructive weapons like atom and hydrogen bombs and missiles. The bombs and other means of mass destruction now produced are  more lethal and powerful than used in 1945. 

If these weapons are used it can cause global  destruction without any open declaration of war. There are also terrorist groups that are spread all over the world. If they use these weapons, there will be big loss to humans and property.

Global warming has increased due to industries, large scale of cutting trees, etc. We have polluted the environment to such a level that soon we are going to lose our inflated life expectancy. The laws should be more stricter, so that science can be used in better way. 

Example no. 2: 

If exam goes online ...

  We have to change according to time. We should take advanced step to meet the need of time . It saves time , we can get quick result, it brings accuracy and main thing is that it is paperless, hence saving. If there is online exam, result will be very early.

It can control mass copy. It will reduce the stress of teacher and students. It will help students by giving objective type questions. It will benefit for rural and urban students. It will be helpful because now a days many competitive exams are online.

It is the need of the modern days. India will go digital very soon. During Covid - 19, exam were conducted online globally.

ounterview: Online exams would not test properly because students may copy. There will not be creativity in students. Because of spell checker, students will write correct spelling. Students will lose writing practice.

Some teachers are not comfortable to conduct online exams. To conduct maths exam is not possible online. There is problem for students who are living in remote areas. Electricity problem and network problem are great hurdles.

Teachers will be overburdened of online work. School going children and youngster would get spoiled. Some students may take online exam lightly.

Example no. 3:  V
iew and counterview on mobile phones should be allowed in schools. 

Mobile Phones Must Be Allowed in Schools

 Cellphones today have become such a necessity in everyone’s lives. Many people argue that a cellphone allows parents to s
tay in touch with their children and remain informed about their whereabouts and anything that they need to.

 Some students are not able to remember all the information what teacher have told, There can be a lot of information given out by the teacher and students might not be able to remember, hence students can make notes on their phones notes page. Students can record their school lectures. They can make projects given by teacher.

 School bags are too heavy compared to a mobile phone. So teaching and learning on mobile phone will be beneficial for both teachers and students.  

ounterview: Students will not be able to concentrate in studies because they would be busy with their cellphones. If  cellphones rings during class, other students and teachers would also get distracted. 

Some students will bring latest model and the hottest brand of mobile, hence there would be inferior complex among other students. Some students would force their parents to bring latest model, hence it will increase the worries and expenditure of parents. 

Some student can steal expensive cellphone in school. Some students may cheat during examinations because of mobile phones. Hence cellphones should not be allowed at schools. 

Example no. 4:  V
iew and counterview on cashless transaction is  the need of the hour. 

Cashless transaction is  the need of the hour.

 Cashless transaction is need of the hour because it will minimizes black money transactions. Because of black money there will be corruption everywhere. Some political leaders, bureaucrat are bribed by some people. Here cash is required. If cashless transaction is there there will be reduction in corruption.

It is useful for the accurate flow of money from one bank to another bank. People can send the money within seconds and they do not have to stand in a long queue to deposit the cheque. There is no need to carry much cash with us so there is no tension of robbery. There  will be proof and record of the transaction. 

There  will be no need to print cash and thus lots of paper, time and work is saved. Thus India will also become one of the most advanced countries in the world. 

ounterview: Cybersecurity is the major drawback of the cashless economy. People who lack technology with the use of mobile and technology will lead to a big problem.  It is disadvantageous where many people in rural areas are illiterate and poor. 

Some people have half knowledge of digital payments and hence these people are exposed to cyber fraud losing their hard earned money to online scam. Hackers are also increasing that can hack data, so there is security issue. 

There are some transactions fees for doing online transactions, it adds up extra expenses, some people may not like it. If network issue arises in rural areas, some transactions may go in pending mode and we have to wait for it to clear the same. There is no proper banking connectivity all over India. Many labourers in India are dependent on cash for their daily expenses. So to tackle all these things India need more time to be cashless.

Example no. 5:  View and counterview on social media for today's generation.

Effects of social media on today's generation

 Positive effect is that social media allows children to share personal information with their friends in an easy an convenient way. With the help of social media, we are able to communicate with many people. We can make groups with like-minded people. We can share our views about any topic to large number of people. We can connect with our old friends with whom we were unable to meet them personally and can know about each other lives and events happening around.

Social media have become an important part of our life. We subconsciously go to our favourite sites and see if any message are there or not. There are various methods that are available for us to communicate with others on these social network. The value of social networks have helped businessmen also. They are using various methods to promote their products and they can target huge audience. 

In present time, world is becoming a global village and social networking sites are the platforms which provide all the people to learn, understand, communicate and to c
onnect with people.

ounterview: Social networking sites are distracting many students, as they are spending too much time on them. Parents and teachers are worried, as they spend much time on social networking sites and get low marks in exam. Social media facilitates cyberbullying also.

Face to face talking and meetings has been reduced. People are just busy in networking sites, and there is no conversation with family members at home. People may go in depression also. Youngsters leave home in blind search of other person. It hinders physical and mental growth of a person.

Fake news can be circulated much faster in
networking sites. Criminals use social media to commit crimes. It can spread hate messages also. People are unnecessary wasting their time on social media.

Using too much s
ocial media can harm job stability and one may loose their job. Parents should have open conversations with their children about how they are using technology.

Example no. 6:  View and counterview on " The elder person in our house".

Old is Gold

 Elder person in our house have many benefits. 
Elders have immense experience through their share of success and failures. So, they can help the younger generation to realise their potential and work for success.  Grandparents teaches us good values. It provides a friendly environment with loved ones and hence they can guide us in case of problems arises in our life. Their teaching and life lessons will make us stronger in life. It will help to build our future and career. They can give us good advise. They can be a pioneer to the young generation. Due to the presence of the elders, discipline becomes the backbone of family life. Family Members share their works and income. 

Their role is not only limited to family but also to society and Nation at large. At the society level, they come to solve the disputes as they are respected and easily agreed upon , they do good to the nation. They have immense cultural and traditional wisdom and knowledge. They transfer it to the next generation. They teaches us to be happy in every aspects of life. All  home remedies, medical herbs, fairy tales are told by them. 

When they leave this place only their teachings and memories will stay with us till we live.

Counterview: Many old people are not able to change themselves according to the time. They are not able to cope with changing world. They impose their ideas on younger generations. They like to be in their old thinking, old style of living, following old tradition and so on. They generally don't like new things bought in house and they blame about unnecessary spending on it.  

On the other hand, they lack initiative and innovative ideas. If new problems arises, they are not familiar with present difficulties and hence cannot give proper solutions. There has always been difference in attitude or lack of understanding between them and us. They do not have power to go with the flow of changing time and tradition. There is generation gap between them and us because we are ready to change according to time not they.

So I strongly believe that youth has the ability to change the world not the older ones.

Example no. 7:  View and counterview on Viewing TV Programmes.

The TV

Television is one of the most important inventions for getting the information of history. Today, TV is the main source of entertainment and information. We can watch channels such as Discover, National Geographic and the History Channels. It tells us about the important events that have taken place 100 to 1000 years ago or much before. Watching TV can be as educational as going to school. We can learn about different people, their culture and different places also. It increases thinking power and intelligence. We can get the information on politics, science, history, geography, culture in a way that has never before been possible. 

By watching good comedy shows on TV, we laugh with our family members, hence close bonding is there with our families. We will not go in depression. We can learn several languages. Watching educational programs makes us more aware of the world around us. It can connect us to the world. It keeps us updated by watching news and sports events. 

What precaution should we take during Coronavirus pandemic was shown on TV. It helps us to take all precautionary measures. TV also gives information about new recipes in cooking. It also teaches about how to manage finance and money saving techniques. Hence TV gives all the information that we need. 

Counterview: Many people watch unnecessary programs on TV and hence valuable time is lost. If more time is spend on TV, children will become more lazy. They will not study and hence affects the education. Some students sit very close to TV and they damage their eyesight. Watching TV for long hours may contribute to obesity, sleep difficulties and many health problems. Some students can get addicted to TV, and they cannot stop themselves from being addicted. Unnecessary advertisement of unhealthy snack foods affects children. Children watch it and they start to eat it, leading to health problem in future.  

Television often participate in risky, violent shows or movies. This have negative impact on children. Children who watches violent movies are more likely to have violent behaviour. Some of them may also start to copy the violent or risky behaviour that was shown on TV and end up in jail or hospital. 

Watching too much TV time is not good for children because their brain is at a developing stage. So too much of anything is bad. 

Example no. 8:  View and counterview on Children should work to earn during vacations.

Earning of Students during Vacations

View: The thinking of society have changed. More and more parents are encouraging their children to take some odd jobs. Students have started preparing for their careers at very young age. They get pocket income by doing part time jobs and can buy necessary things for themselves without taking the help of parents. They  understand the value of money. Students also learn the art of time management by going to work on time. 

They can develop their hidden skills. They can get the opportunities to learn from their mistakes. They become aware of their responsibility. Students can give financial support to their parents by doing part time jobs. The students who work as part time job in malls, restaurants, coffee shops, showroom enables to deal with other people and they get  confidence while dealing with public. Getting a job over summer break will look impressive on resume and to future employers. It can be a great self-esteem builder.

Hence students working during vacation use time fruitfully. They become more matured, self dependent and can give financial support to parents.

Counterview: Students life is supposed to be fun. Many children who work in tea stall or in factories are against laws. Child labour should not be encouraged. Parents should not send their children to work during vacations. Children should play outdoor games, develop their skills and pick up hobbies. Children who are working are given very little salary and long hours work. 

One of the biggest disadvantages of working while studying is the stress and exhaustion. Students may have trouble getting good sleep. Due to continuous work there can be lack of motivation for studies. It can affect their health also because vacations is the time to relax, to go outside with family members. There will be no social life like going out with friends for enjoyment.  

Students should get break from studies to refresh their minds. Childhood comes only once it should be enjoyed.

Example no. 9:  View and counterview on Deforestation is essential for the progress of mankind.


View: Deforestation is useful for rising population. The land can be used for more agricultural production. People get jobs by clearing of a forest. It is a mean of livelihood. It can be used for growing livestock. People can get get cheap land for residential purposes as the cost of house in towns are higher. These land can even be used for commercial purpose, thus increasing the economic growth. The woods and sap of plants are of great use to us. We can make paper and several other things as per our needs. 

We can extract essential natural resources and charcoal due to deforestation. It plays an important role for economic growth of our country. Deforestation opens more job opportunities for people in the lumber industry besides Wood cutters. When deforesting a forest, we might find new species of animal or plants that haven’t been discovered yet. New medicines can be made out of new plants that was discovered to heal new or old diseases. Dead trees can be cut down as it is of no use.  

Hence due to deforestation people can get job opportunities, agricultural lands, Industrialization, and higher revenues.  

Counterview: Forests are the biggest habitat for every wild life species, it is a home to wild life species as well as it is a protection for them. Due to deforestation  these animals may become extinct. It is a major contributors to green house effects. Global warming have increased to alarming level. There will be higher levels of erosion and floods because if there is no trees, there will be no stopping of floods. There will be drought in some regions. There will be shortage of rains in many areas which may lead to famines, shortage of foods and loss of life also. 

Oxygen level will also come down because of deforestation . Carbon dioxide will increase in air. It can cause more frequent flooding. If there is no trees left and the important materials from the forest will be gone. If all the trees are cut down and the area is cleared, the overall beauty of the area is lost. Eventually the birds which lives in forests will also die. 

Hence, we should come together with the nature for limiting the extinction of wildlife and reducing the environmental challenges for the future generation.

Example no. 10:  View and counterview on students that study on Computer.

Is the Computer a Modern Education for Students?

View: In today's world, it is necessary to take the help of computer when it comes to education. Students around the world are taking the help of computer to upgrade themselves in studies. With the help of internet students study and complete the science projects given by teachers. They gain knowledge as well as learn new skills. Various information are available easily. Here audio-visual studies is also possible. A student's life has been made very convenient. Most of the students enjoy learning on the computer, hence it results in better performance. It also inspires students to choose careers in technology. At very young age they can learn how to develop an APP. It allows students to put their creativity to the right use. Communication has become easier to students who are in hostel, by means of email, live updates and so on. 

During Coronavirus pandemic it has greatly benefited for online studies. Not only students but also teachers, doctors and all the professionals are benefited by working on computers and laptops. 

Students of today's generation cannot imagine studies without internet and computer, for better performances, enhancement in creativity and making their future ready. It has became an integral part of each student's life. 

Counterview: When computers are used constantly by the students, they develop a dependence upon these tools. Most of the students use computers for playing games, listening music or watching movies or videos. Students now-a-days are distracted from their actual studies. By doing unproductive things in computer they ignore studies. Many students have got eye problem because of constant sitting on computer. Some students can have headache and depression also. Student will not be able to write spelling correctly and there will be extinction of good handwriting. Students will become inactive in social life. 

For Education, face to face communication is needed. Here in online classes, there is no face to face interaction between students and teachers. There is no personal touch, no encouragement in online classes. Students normally cheat teachers during online classes. Therefore during Coronavirus pandemic, many parents wanted their children should study in front of teachers. 

Hence excessive use of computers has many physiological health problem on children. As well as it has certainly not done anything for education.  

                                                                                                                W3 these 'Thank you' and 'Sorry' are hollow words because some people just say these words rather than expressing them in deeds. It is possible to be polite to someone you don't like. Some people willingly agree to the people's hateful view, even if they don\t like. This is fake. It is about misleading them to thinking, that you are on their side. Some people forget to use polite words with near ones. They are rude towards them. These people use polite words with strangers. Some people says polite words just to get their work done. Once their work is completed then they use harsh words from back. Polite words on face and bad words at back. Now a days people are using polite words just for giving impression on other people. Polite words are spoken in English just as a status symbol. Many of them are just imitated from the West. 
Polite words are just spoken for name sake to show the world that he is good mannered person. So polite words are nothing but hypocrisy. 

Counterview: It cannot be said that polite words are hypocrisy. Words like 'Thank you' and 'Sorry' are often told in civilized feelings. They are not hollow. Whenever someone help us, we say 'Thank you', it comes naturally come to us from bottom of our heart. Polite words have the power of establishing peace. Polite words also calm the harsh words. Indian society had advanced level of speaking polite words. A person who is polite are respected by everyone. They are admired and accepted by everybody. Everyone tries to copy these people. Actually these people pass this politeness to others. Hence the whole society changes.
Hence polite words used by society are a measure of social advancement. No society changes without polite words.

Example no. 12:  View and counterview on Children should be allowed to play video games.

Children should be allowed to play video games

View: Today children play video games and it is normal part of modern childhood. Video games can help children to develop certain skills. It help children to make decisions, express plan and to do research. Video games create a common ground for children to make friends Hence they can make quick friends. Children can play video games with a group of friends. Children normally compete with their friends to win and for recognition. Hence they share the joy of competition. Some children play video games in group and one of them will lead his team to victory. Hence he can develop leadership quality. Some children teach others how to play game. Hence video games provide an opportunity to teach others. Some video games help children to play with their parents. Hence video games encourages easy communication with parents and encourage children to share their problems with parents. So parents instead of scolding their children should allow them to play video games.

Counterview: Playing video games can cause a decline in academic performance. Children are so much addicted to video games that they have become violent. They don't want to do anything else. They don't like to talk to friends and play outdoor games. They remain isolated because of their interest in games. They play video games at the expense of sleep, exercise, family and friends. Without exercise , kids can become overweight. 
Many of the video games involve violence and of high speed. All these are not good for students. They can become violent and try to imitate the kind of lifestyle. This can affect their mental and physical health also. Children loose the habits of reading if they continuously play. Some students can go in stress also. Even eating habits changes, so physical health is also affected. Some children can be affected by poor eyesight also. Hence parents should encourage to study and play outdoor games instead of playing video games.


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