
Showing posts from May, 2021

Paradox and its example.

A paradox is a figure of speech that seems to contradict itself,  t he statement may appear to be silly  but which, upon further examination, contains some truth or reason. A paradox is an idea . For examples: 1)I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse. 2) I had to come to prison to be a crook . 3) The first rule is to delete all rules. 4) I know that I know nothing . 5) If everyone is special, no one is. 6) The Child is father of the Man . 7) Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again . 8)  Deep down, you're really shallow . 9) I’m My Own Grandpa . 10) You have to be cruel to be kind . 11) Your mission is to not accept this mission . 12) We must go backwards to go forwards . 13) It’s weird not to be weird . 14) You can save money by spending it . 15) This is the beginning  of the end . 16) Love is a disease . 17) Less is more . 18) He is nobody . 19) In order to lead, you must follow . 20) Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is

Oxymoron and its example

Oxymoron is a figure of speech where there  is a pairing of contradictory words that contradict each other and are brought together.  It is a device and are attributed to the same thing for a better impact. For examples: 1) The exam papers for the final exam are an open secret . (Open,  secret are a pair of  contradictory words  ) 2) Some people are wise fool .  (Wise,   fool  are a pair of  contradictory words ) 3) He ate the whole piece of cake.  (Whole,  piece  are a pair of  contradictory words ) 4) I friendly fight with my friend.  (Friendly,  fight  are a pair of  contradictory words ) 5) That is my adult child . (Adult, child  are a pair of  contradictory words) 6) Five of them are playing alone together . ( Alone, together  are a pair of  contradictory words) 7) Student's table was organised mess . ( Organised, mess  are a pair of  contradictory words) 8) The comedian was seriously comedy .  ( Seriously, comedy  are a pair of  contradictory words) 9) Students

Synecdoche and its example

Synecdoche is a figure of speech  which allows a part to stand for a whole or for a whole to stand for a part. For examples: 1) Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. 2) Beautiful are the feet that bring the good news. 3) The women are forever  wagging tongues.  [Gossip is often referred to as wagging tongues] 4) Enjoy the bounty of the summer yield. 5) He have four mouths to feed at home. [ mouth ( a part) means people (whole)] 6) Check out my new wheels. [ wheels ( a part) means car (whole)]   7) Give us this day our daily bread.  [  bread  ( a part) means food (whole)] 8) The hired hands completed the given work.    [  hired hands  ( a part) means workers (whole)] 9) The father in him stopped him from beating this child. 10) Can you spare your wallet? 11) There are best brains in our school. 12) He is a poor creature. 13) India won the match. 14) His glasses are broken.  [  glasses  ( a part) means spectacles (whole)] 15) This grey beard is running.  [  grey

Pun and its example

A  pun  is a figure of speech that plays with words that have multiple meanings of a term to evoke laughter .  Many  puns  rely on simple homophones . For examples: 1) A bicycle can't stand on their own because it is two-tired. 2) Guerrilla warfare is more than just throwing a banana. 3) Time flies like an arrow. 4) He lies abroad and his family prospers back home. 5) Make like a tree and leave. 6) Tomorrow you shall find me a grave man. 7) Mathematics is so pointless. 8) Fish are smart because they live in school. 9) The grammar lover had a lot of comma sense. 10) Every calendar's days are numbered. 11) Farmer bill dies in house. 12) This vacuum sucks. 13) Do hotel managers get board with their jobs? 14) Dieting is a matter of life and breadth. 15) Hospitals are sued by seven foot doctors. 16) Crabs don't like to share; they are shellfish. 17) A horse is a very stable kind of animal. 18) You can't sing while fishing; they don't like bass. [ bass refers

Tautology and its example.

T autology  is an expression or phrase that says the same thing twice , just in a different way. It uses two   different  words or phrases that express the same meaning . For example: 1) The students will take turns , one after another . [Turns means one after another] 2) Isolated , lonely place is ahead. [ Isolated   means   lonely place ] 3) He came at 1.p.m. in the afternoon .  [ 1.p.m.   means   afternoon ] 4) They whispered about you and I heard it with my own ears .  [ heard   means   own ears ] 5) Is this adequate enough ?  [ adequate   means   enough ] 6) I want to see him personally .  [ see him   means   personally , these words express same ideas ] 7) The evening sunset was beautiful.  [ evening   means   sunset , these words express same ideas ] 8) This is a new innovation .  [   new   means   innovation , these words express same ideas ] 9) Anand is a single bachelor .  [   single   means   bachelor ] 10) There is lot of frozen ice on the road.    [   fro

Metonymy and its example

Metonymy  is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is not called by  its   own name, but by  the   name of something intimately associated with that thing. For examples: 1) The pen is mightier than the sword . [ Literary power is superior than military power] 2) He writes a fine hand . [ Good handwriting] 3) He is a man of the cloth. [ Man of the church] 4) You must discuss your point with permission from the chair . [ Permission from senior] 5) Money just walked in. [ A rich person came inside] 6) The grave's a fine and private place. [ Grave means death] 7) The suits were at a meeting. [ Suits means businessman] 8) Let me give you a hand . [ Hand means help] 9) The office was busy in work. [ Office means people in office] 10) There are lot of good heads in the university. [ Good heads means intelligent students] 11) We need some new blood in the organization. [ New blood means new people] 12) He has new set of wheels . [ Wheels means car, bike] 13) I

Onomatopoeia and its example

Onomatopoeia  is a figure of speech in which words evoke the actual sound of the thing they refer to or describe . W hen a word describes a sound and actually mimics the sound of the object , persons , birds , animals , etc , it is  Onomatopoeia. For examples: 1) Frog croaks , birds whistles . 2) Water plops into pond, splish-splash downhill. 3) The bell went ding - dong . 4) The owl hooted  in the tree. 5) The car horn  beeped  loudly. 6) A window being broken bang . 7) My teeth chattered as I stood in the snow. 8) Hissing and panting the snake came out. 9) "Buzz! Buzz!" said the honeybee. 10) The wolves howled at the moon.  11) " Drip! Drip! " said the raindrops on my window. 12) Cock-a-doodle-do , crowned the roaster. 13) The clock goes tick-tock . 14) Don't beep that horn again. 15) Click the button to take the picture. 16) Dog barks . 17) Tring - Tring went the alarm. 18) Bang , went the gun! 19) Swoosh went the basketball through th

Repetition and its example

Repetition  is when words or phrases are repeated in a sentence.  Repetition  is often used in poetry or song , and it is used to create rhythm and bring attention . Words are repeated in a same line for better poetic effect . For example: 1) From the jingling and tinkling of the bells , bells ,  bells ,  bells . 2) Bangles , crystal  bangles , glass  bangles . 3) I stand and look at them long and long . 4) They were so queer ,.  so very queer . 5) Below the trees, below the hills and below the lighthouse. 6) The ice was here, t he ice was there, t he ice was everywhere. 7) Day after day , day after Say. 8) He must stand, must wait and must see. 9) He ran slowly ,  slowly and very  slowly . 10) I gazed --- and gazed --- but little thought. 11) These things he plants , who plants a tree. 12) For happy  daughters and happy  wives. 13) Twinkle , twinkle little stars. 14) The truth is the truth only truth . 15) No , no , no , it will not happen. 16) Beaut

Alliteration and its example

Alliteration  happens when words that start with the same sound (not just the same letter) are used repeatedly in a phrase or sentence .  Alliteration  is a literary technique when two or more words are linked that share the same first consonant sound OR same alphabet . It is there to create a better poetic effect . For examples: 1) P eter P iper p icked a p eck of p ickled p eppers. 2) S anjay s aved s even s nails. 3) B ipin b ought b lue b ike. 4) C hirag c arefully c aught c atfish. 5) The s hells s he s ells are s eashells. 6) S heep s hould s leep in a s hed. 7) The g irl g athered g reen leaves. 8) W hisper w ords of w isdom. 9)  B u sy  b u zzing, the  b e e  b e haved  b e autifully. 10) J ackal j umped and j iggle away. 11) S even s isters s lept s oundly on the s and. 12) A pples, a pricots a nd a vocados a dded a new twist to the amazing dish. 13) H is h orsemen h ard behind us ride. 14) S he s ees s heep s leeping. 15) L azy l izard l ikes l eaping. 16) The p le

Transferred Epithet and its example.

Transferred epithet  is when an adjective usually used to describe one thing is transferred to another thing Or    transfer of an epithet from  its  proper subject to another associated with it. For example: 1) I had a wonderful day. Here  "wonderful" actually describes  the  kind of day  the  speaker experienced.   The day is not itself  wonderful. 2) He had a sleepless night.  Here  "sleepless" actually describes  the  kind of night  the  speaker experienced.    The night is not itself sleepless. 3)  T he children had a joyous ride.   Here  " joyous " actually describes  the  kind of ride  the  children experienced.  .  The ride is not itself  joyous . 4) His careless words created a chaos.  Here  " careless " actually describes  the  kind of words  the  speaker told.  The words is not itself  careless. 5) The old man put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.  Here  " reassuring " actually describes  the  kind of support by old m

Hyperbole and its example.

Hyperbole are  e xaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally . It is used for a better poetic effect. For example: 1) This bag weight a ton. 2) The green carpet covers the length and breadth of the Earth. 3) " I haven't seen you in a million years." 4) She had a brain the size of planet. 5) She's is as old as hills. 6) Secrets  travel faster than the speed of light. 7) Its raining cats and dog. 8) I died of embarrassment. 9) I'm so hungry so that I can eat a mountain. 10) Fires in my pockets. 11) I'm so excited, I could die! 12) It took forever to find you. 13) " Billion Dollar in my pocket." 14) The shopping cost her a fortune. 15) He has the memory of an elephant. 16) He is running faster than lightening. 17) He runs like a wind. 18) He talks a mile a minute. 19) Fake news everywhere. 20) He eats like a bird. 21) Its worst day of my entire life. 22) She was spitting bullets when angered. 23) The kings nose was thre

Anti - Climax and its examples.

Anti - Climax   is a rhetorical device that can be defined as a disappointing situation , or a sudden transition in discourse from an important idea to a trivial one. Here words are arranged in descending order of importance.  Anti - Climax are there to create a better impact and a better poetic effect . For example: 1)  He lost his family, his car and his cell phone. 2)  "I can't die yet, I've got responsibilities and a family, and I have to look after my parents. 3) He was beaten up,  knocked down and s lapped.  4) He die, He faint, he fall.    5)  "Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on weekends." 6) " For God, for Country and for Yale". 7)    "And as I’m sinkin’,  The last thing that I think  Is, did I pay my rent?" 8)   He lost it all, he lost all wealth, he lost all contacts. 9) He was a rogue, a liar, a tricky man. 10) The lion thundered, he roared, he smirked and finally smiled. 11)  He died, he fainted and falte

Climax and its example.

Climax, a Greek term meaning “ladder,” it is a figure of speech  in which successive words, phrases, clauses, or sentences are arranged in ascending order of importance . For example: 1) She is a good humorist, a better worker and best mother. 2) "It's a's a's Superman!" 3) "It's lost, vaded, broken, dead within an hour". 4) The wind smiled sweetly, laughed loudly and roared uproariously. 5) Faith, hope and love are three things that we should have. 6) He sacrificed his business, his home and his honour for his ambition. 7) He was harassed, slapped and beaten up. 8) Since friendship was lost, fidelity was lost and liberty was lost - all was lost. 9) He lost his dog, his child and his wife at one fell swoop. 10) His idea was simple, motivational and inspirational. 11) He came, he saw and he conquered. 12) He is my friend, a role model and an achiever. 13)  "I think we've reached a point of great decision, not

Exclamation and its example.

An exclamation mark is a type of punctuation mark that goes at the end of a sentence.  An exclamatory sentence conveys a strong emotion and ends with an exclamation mark (!) . For example: 1) " Aah! It's paining!" 2) "Stop! Come here!" 3) We won! 4) I'm free! 5) He actually won! 6) You're late again! 7) Wow! we won! 8)  Oh!  Most miserable wretch that I am! 9) Shut the door! 10)  It's alive! It's alive! 11)  I can't believe it's not Friday! 12) Look at him go! 13) I love it! 14) Get out of my way! 15) Stop! Don't copy! 16) Help! Help! Save me! 17) Let's go! We are late. 18) Yes, I will marry you. 19) The man won a million in cash! 20) Sit down! 21) Ah! There you are. 22) What a beautiful weather! 23) Hello! How are you? 24) Good night! Sweet dream. 25) " No school during lockdown - yippee!" 26) How beautiful this city is! 27) Wait, there is snake! 28) What a coincidence this is! 29) Hey, no smoking in he

Interrogation and its example.

Interrogation is a figure of speech where questions are asked for a better poetic effect or better impact . Here questions are asked not for answer, but to set us thinking . For examples: 1) Who is there so vile that will not love his country? 2) Am I an idiot to fall for your lies? 3) Isn't this my own, my sweet house? 4) What though sorrow seems to win, O'er hopes a heavy sway? 5) Are we foolish to get carried away by these empty promises? 6) Does the needle ever wink its eye? 7) If the shower will make the roses bloom, Oh, why lament it falls? 8) And what is the sound of the birch's bark? 9) What though Death at times steps in, And calls our best away? 10) Why doesn't the wing of a building fly? 11) If the shower will make the roses bloom, Oh, why lament its falls? 12) What though sorrow seems to win, O'er hopes a heavy sway? 13) What though death at times steps in, And calls our best way? 14) What is this life, if full of care? 15) When can t

Apostrophe and its example

  Apostrophe is a figure of speech in which absent things or dead person is directly addressed as it is present and able of understanding . It is found in poetry , plays and literature . It is m ore commonly known as a punctuation mark .  For examples: 1) Ring o bell! 2) Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. 3) Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean. 4) Don't tell me now, dear. 5) Feet, don't fail me now. 6) O caption! my caption! Our fearful trip is done. 7) Oh Shakespeare! How they love murdering the language you love. 8) Oh God! Where are you? 9) Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree! how lovely are your branches. 10) Out, out, damned spot. 11) Don't tell me now, dear eyes. 12) Oh sons of Mother India! Your sacrifice is unmatched... 13) O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth. 14) O holy night! The stars are brightly shining! 15) Then come sweet death, and rid me out of this grief. 16) Oh, bed! At last; I can be with you! 17) Oh, ros

Personification and its example

  When a writer gives human like qualities to nonliving things .  When a figure or an object or plants and animals is given human characteristics , it is being  personified. For example: 1) Love lost its way. 2) My computer is working very hard. 3) I like car but it don't like me. 4) Early in the morning, my mobile was smiling at me. 5) Books reach out to kids. 6) My television speaks to me. 7) The school bell called us from outside. 8) Life moves pretty fast. 9) The heart wants what it want. 10) Time waits no one. 11) This article says apple is good for health. 12) This phone is dead. 13) The tired old car coughed down the street. 14) My sweet home smiles at me. 15) Flowers are dancing in the breeze. 16) Death is the mother of beauty. 17) The owl laughed with a "hoot-hoot". 18) The sun smiled at us early in the morning. 19) I wanted to get money, but the ATM died. 20) This river speaks to me. 21) I wandered lonely as a cloud. 22) The thunder grumbled like

Antithesis and its example.

  Antithesis literally means opposite , it is usually the opposite of a statement , concept or idea . In a sentence, there is a pair of opposite words or statement or ideas. For example: 1) Speech is silver, but silence is gold. 2) To err is human, to forgive divine. 3) It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. 4)  Man proposes, God disposes.  5) Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. 6)  Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing. 7) Shut your mouth and open your eyes. 8) Everybody comes here but nobody listen here. 9)  Many are called, but few are chosen. 10) In sickness he loved me, in health he abandoned. 11)  Too black for heaven and yet too white for hell. 12) Sheep go to Heaven, goats go to Hell. 13) Should I stay or should I go now? 14) We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. 15) Patience is bitter, but it has a sweet fruit. 16)  Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. 17)  That's one small s

Similes and its examples.

Simile is used to compare two different things and show a common quality between them. For comparing two different things, we use "like" or "as" in the sentence. For examples: 1) He smiles like the sun. 2) He's as thin as match-stick. 3) I have seen old ships sail like swans asleep. 4) He spit out his teeth like stones. 5) He is as sweet as sugar. 6) This man's hand is as cold as ice. 7) Last night, I slept like a log. 8) He is as tall as a tree. 9) She moved like a deer. 10) My heart is like a singing bird. 11) He's as hungry as a wolf. 12) The truth was like a bad taste on his tongue. 13) He hung his head like a dying flower. 14) Her hair was as soft as a spider web. 15) He is as strong as an ox. 16) Your explanation is as clear as mud. 17) Last night, I slept like a log. 18) The evening stretches before me like a road. 19) Life is like with a pen. 20) She sings like an angel. 21) His face became as black as coal after

Metaphors and its examples.

Metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things. It states that one thing is another things. Though it is not, it equates for the sake of comparison . Metaphor is used in poetry or literature. For examples: 1) Love is a highway. 2) Time is a thief . 3) That lawn is a green carpet . 4) The stars are sparkling diamonds. 5) He has a heart of lion. 6) He was a fish out of water at his new school. 7) Those two best friends are two peas in a pod . 8)  He is a walking dictionary. 9) All that glitters is not gold. 10) Parting is such sweet sorrow . 11)  Necessity is the mother of invention . 12) All religions, art and science are branches of same tree . 13) Her eyes were diamonds . 14) Beauty is a fading flower . 15) She has a heart of b 16) The road was a ribbon stretching across the desert . 17) The thunder was a mighty lion . 18) Am I talking to a brick wall ? 19) His  ambitions are a house of cards . 20) Books are mirrors of t

Make meaningful sentences with adverbs

  Adverbs modify verbs or adjectives  or other adverbs. They can add to or change the meaning of a word. Generally it  ends in (ly). 1. Easily Ans. He could have  easily  solved these sums. 2.  Promptly  Ans. I answered promptly to teacher's question. 3. Effectively Ans.  The speech was given very effectively . 4. Firmly Ans.  Sunil f irmly believe that he is topper. 5. Beautifully Ans.  He painted this drawing very beautifully . 6. Delicately Ans. We must handle this glass article very delicately . 7. Lightly Ans. He lightly dusted the table before serving. 8. Randomly Ans.  Teacher randomly checks our school bags. 9. Cheerfully Ans. She cheerfully greets me every morning. 10. Wholeheartedly Ans.  I wholeheartedly teach my students in my class. 11.  Successfully Ans.  I have cleared the exams successfully. 12.  humanely  Ans. Lets treat the prisoners of war humanely . 13.   Round Ans.  We sat at a round table. 14.  Down Ans. The land slopes down  to the

Identify the type of sentences

The types of sentence are: a) The  sentence  which declares or asserts a statement, feeling, opinion, incident, event, history, or anything is called an  assertive sentence .   b) Negative sentences  are typically formed by adding the word "not" after the helping verb.  c) Declarative sentences tell   something or make a statement and  is written in the present tense .  d) Interrogative sentences   ask a question .  e) Imperative sentences   make a command or   tell   someone to do something.  f) Exclamatory sentences   express a feeling and use an exclamation point at the end of a   sentence. For Example: 1) He will not go outside today. Ans. Negative sentence. 2) Tejas is an intelligent boy. Ans. Assertive sentence 3) Alas! He went outside. Ans.   Exclamatory sentences 4) Where are you going? Ans.   Interrogative sentences 5) What a tasty food!  Ans.  Exclamatory sentences 6) You stand here. Ans.  Imperative sentences 7) We are singing here.  Ans. Assertive